Monday, May 21, 2007

Comprehensive amnesty

Anytime you hear the words “comprehensive immigration reform” or, according to AF Bro, “path to citizenship” think amnesty. An overwhelming majority of Americans agree we need to secure our borders. That task is being placed on hold while pols on the left and right pursue a double whammy “comprehensive immigration reform” that provides a “path to citizenship” amnesty for 12 million illegals and who knows how many extended family members.

The bill, which is being touted as equal parts carrot and sticks, will, in true government fashion, transform to all carrot and no stick the instant the ink on the president’s signature dries. Here’s why. The moment the president signs the bill, the illegals become legal. So with all of the rights of US citizens, what are the chances that every punitive measure in the bill will not be challenged and overturned in the 9th Circuit Court? There won’t be a fine. There will be no requirement for a “touchback.” Speaking English will become optional. The fence will never be built.

Sen. McCain has taken a break from assaulting the 1st Amendment and campaigning for president to “parachute back into Washington DC” to cuss out his colleagues who think a 1,000 page “comprehensive immigration” bill is an idiotic way to deal with the basic problem. If your neighbor’s dog keeps wondering into your yard to do its business, you don’t need 1,000 pages to solve the problem. You go to the neighbor and ask that he keep his mutt out your yard. If that fails, put up a fence.

You don’t come up with a hare-brained idea that fines the neighbor $5 and allows the dog to continue to s*&t in your yard. You don’t feed the dog. You don’t build the dog a house. You don’t pay the dog’s vet bills. You try to keep the dog out of your yard. If you see the dog in your yard, you try to run it off with a loud shout – gitonoutahere.

One more thing about the dog. The dog’s loyalty will always be to its owner, not to the guy whose yard he’s destroying.

Fred Thompson is my new presidential pick. He’s right on abortion. He’s right on the war. He’s right on immigration. Read what he has to say here.

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