Monday, February 04, 2008

The four MYTHS of St. John

This is by far the longest piece ever to appear on this page. I was going to break it up over four days, but Super Tuesday is tomorrow. So by Wednesday blue blood country club Republicans may have forced the echo know as John McCain on me as their nominee. I always vote my best interest even if it boils down to a choice between Lenin and Marx. So I don’t want to have to be trashing the guy I end up voting for after he’s the nominee. So here are some reasons John McCain shouldn’t be that nominee.

There are four myths surrounding the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Saint John the speech squelcher. All of the myths have been foisted upon us by the MSM.

MYTH 1: McCain is a “straight talker.” He’s decidedly not.

Exhibit one Saint Juan the open borders: McCain sponsored a bill that offered amnesty to between 12-20 million illegals. Yet to this day he denies that his bill was an amnesty. Is that straight talk? His bill allows criminals who entered the country illegally to jump to the head of the immigration line if they pay a $3,000 dollar fine. In addition to clearly being amnesty, the bill amounts to selling American citizenship to people whose first act upon stepping on to American soil was to break our laws. But are we hearing any straight talk from Saint Juan that he’s was wrong on immigration? Now, McCain is such a straight talker he takes both sides of whether or not he’d sign his own amnesty bill if given the chance as president. He told Tim Russert he would. Three days latter at the republican debate, he said he wouldn’t. Any straight talk in that?

Exhibit two St John the class warrior: McCain’s stance that he was against the Bush tax cuts before he wanted to make them permanent isn’t straight talk. How about an, oops I sure blew that one. Instead Saint John the tax cutter enhances his reputation as a twisted talker by misrepresenting – that’s pol talk for lying – how he arrived at his position. When the bill was up for a vote, Saint John the class warrior opposed it because he said the cuts favored the rich. Now Saint John the fiscal hawk says he opposed the cuts - he now favors - because he wanted the cuts off-set with reductions in government spending. Any straight talk in there? How about a question like this from the MSM, let’s assume your class warfare meme didn’t happen and you're telling the truth about opposing the tax cuts because you wanted them off-set with reductions in government spending. What reductions in government spending have occurred since you first opposed the tax cuts to make you favor them now? There is not one straight line in any of it.

Exhibit three St. John the double back flipper: McCain offerd straight talk about the auto industry jobs in Michigan not coming back until voters wanted to hear that they were. “These jobs are gone” was Saint John the flip’s position right up to point that Romney pounced on him saying, we’re going to innovate, we’re going to invest in R&D, we’re going to rely on American ingenuity and we’re going to bring these jobs back. Well when St. John the flipper found himself looking like dower pessimistic dope, he deftly morphed into St. John the flopper and the straight talk express took an unexpected turn down Lombard St. Of course these jobs are coming back, said McCain. Who said they weren’t coming back, asked McCain. Why when I’m president, there will be so many jobs up here that Americans won’t do, we’ll be able to move half of Mexico up to Michigan.

Exhibit four St. John the chicken: Mr. Straight Talk turned down an hour debate on economics with Romney on Meet the Press. Shouldn’t anyone considered to be a “straight talker” have accepted the debate and delivered a bit of straight talk on how he’s not really all that in tune with how economies work? Shouldn’t McCain have gone on MTP and once again hit us with his class warfare meme condemning corporate profits? Isn’t that why St. John the corporate basher only invests in corporations that don’t make a profit? Is that how his wife’s family made all of their money – foregoing profit? Most people have a one word description for McCain’s reticence to appear with Romney to talk economics. That word is “chicken.” Everyone else uses the more colorful compound word variant –chicken$*%#. And that’s the straight talk on that.

Exhibit five St. John the fabricator: McCain’s insistence, in spite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, that Romney supported a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq is a lie. That matter is covered in the post below.

MYTH 2: McCain is a conservative. He is not.

McCain was actually toying with the idea of being John Kerry’s running mate

McCain had several discussions with then Dem senate leader Tom Daschel about switching parties

McCain opposed tax cuts along class warfare lines

McCain/Feingold is a Soviet style assault on the First Amendment

McCain/Kennedy is an amnesty bill for between 12-20 million criminals who have entered the country illegally

McCain/Lieberman is a gift to environmental whackos and global warming worshipers that will tax clean coal technology while inhibiting exploration and utilization of our own abundant energy resources in favor of inefficient and wildly expensive wind, solar and biofuels. St. John the enviro whacko says he’s for the US becoming energy independent. How? We all buy bikes and live in the cold and dark.

McCain refuses to search for oil in the barren Alaskan wasteland known as ANWR. That’s another gift to enviro whackos who, like Mr. Straight Talk, insist on referring to ANWR as a pristine wilderness area. It isn’t. It’s a wasteland.

McCain wants to close G’itmo in favor of bring the worst terrorist in the world to US soil were they would be afforded access to the same legal system that allows double murderers to escape justice in spite of a mountain of evidence against them including a 1 in 100,000,000 DNA match.

McCain insists that he would not "torture" a terrorist even if the terrorist had information regarding the immanent detonation of nuclear devise in a US city. I wonder what his position would be if that city happened to be the one he or one of his loved ones was in.

MYTH 3: McCain is the only Republican candidate that can win the general. He can’t.

McCain is nothing more than a figment of the MSM’s imagination, a carefully constructed Potemkin Village of a strong conservative military war “hero” capable of taking anything the Dems throw at him. But they do not throw anything at him themselves. They worship him. They write glowing stories of his maverick – read anti-conservative – status. Nothing about McCain escapes into the MSM that doesn’t have him walking on water or nobly suffering the slings and arrows of his less worthy conservative tormentors.

All of that will change two seconds after McCain secures the Republican nomination. Then you will see everything contained in MYTHS 1 and 2 along with long stories on all of the following:

McCain is too old. At 71 he’ll be the oldest ever first term president. And while he will point to his 90+ year old mother, the press will point to his father and grandfather both of whom died before the age McCain currently enjoys.

McCain is unstable. All sorts of stories of McCain blowing his top in red faced expletive laced rants directed at senate colleagues and staff will begin to surface. Was the “war hero’s” POW experience – an experience few could endure – just too much?

McCain dumped his sickly first wife who endured five years of her beloved husband being held as a POW for his current younger, more attractive and richer wife.

McCain broke faith with his fellow POWs when he gutted the 1996 Missing Service Personnel Act.

McCain is ripe for former POWs to ask that he open his private POW debriefing file, a request up until now he has refused even though his POW status is key to his ever arriving in Washington DC as an elected official in the first place.

While the disposition of American MIA/POWs was still unknown, Senator
McCain fought for the normalization of relations with Vietnam.

McCain was one of the original Keating five taking sleazy campaign money before making it illegal by destroying the First Amendment.

McCain crashed three navy aircraft – ok one was shot down - that’s not exactly crashing

McCain is a worst kind of flip flopper
- Bush tax cuts: was against them before was for them
- Doesn’t really have a stellar record for demanding a full accounting of his fellow POWs
- McCain/Kennedy: was for it before he was against
- McCain took sleazy campaign money before deciding to make it illegal by trashing the first amendment
- McCain toyed with idea of switching parties
- McCain the hero – see MYTH 4.

The MSM have made John McCain. Two seconds after he has the nomination, they will remake, deconstruct, and destroy him.

Because the Shrillda Beast starts with about a 49% loath rate, McCain, depending upon who he chooses to run with, has about a 50-50 chance at best of beating her. Clinton lies, misstatements and painfully true statements about McCain’s record will have McCain blowing his top two days into the campaign. He can’t beat a young energetic and hopeful Obama.

MYTH 4: McCain is a war hero

This is hard. There are several definitions of what a hero is;

An ideal model based on ideal qualities of character – no that’s not McCain. He’s angry, egotistical, petty, self righteous, sanctimonious, etc.

The central male character of a book, play, movie or novel – no that’s not McCain although a movie about McCain is not out of the question.

A man admired for his nobility, courage and exploits, usually in war – that’s McCain… sort of.

The MSM always uses the modifier “war hero” to introduce McCain. Let’s stipulate that any who serves during a time of war is some kind of hero. That makes McCain one of about 9.2 million military personnel who were on active duty during the Vietnam War.

Further let’s stipulate that anyone actually in the combat zone is some kind of hero. That makes McCain one of about 3.1 million others who served in the actual combat zone during Vietnam.

After that, what is McCain a hero for? He got shot down and endured 5 ½ years as a POW in North Vietnam. Nobel? Yes! The sacrifice and endurance he displayed are remarkable. Courageous? I’m not so sure. He was doing his job, just like the 3.1 million other guys when he was shot down. After that, dare I say, it was in his own best interest to survive.

There is a huge difference between the guy who, through no fault of his own, finds himself trapped in a burning building and by his ingenuity and will to survive guides five people to safety and the guy who leaves the relative safety of the side walk outside the burning building, dashes into the inferno with no regard for his own personal safety and guides people through that inferno to safety. One guy finds himself in a dangerous situation and works for his survival. The other guy voluntarily leaves safety and PLACES HIMSELF in danger for the benefit of others.

Now both of these scenarios become a bit less remarkable when the guys in question happen to be firemen, guys whose job it is to do what they did.

So while McCain’s remarkable story is one of sacrifice and survival, it’s one predicated on McCain as career Naval Aviator doing his job and then surviving all of the nasty consequences.

Contrast that with Sergeant First Class Paul Smith who willingly placed himself and a .50 cal machine gun between his company and about 100 armed attackers. Smith single handedly destroyed the enemy attack and by his actions saved an untold number of his comrades. Smith probably could have laid low and saved his own life. Instead he manned the machine gun and covered his comrades and died for his valor.

Or how about Lt. Michael Murphy who left a covered position of relative safety to dash into the open and into a hail of enemy gunfire to get better reception to call for help for his trapped SEAL team. That’s heroic.

Now, since McCain showed up in the presidential sweepstakes in 2000, I’ve tried to make this case about 10 times and each time the people I’ve tried to make it with have looked at me as if I was off my rocker. I’m not. There’s a difference. McCain himself would admit it. And when he gets the nomination, the MSM is going to go from “war hero” John McCain to cankerous 71 year old John McCain whose time as a POW may have left him permanently scared psychologically.

If I can put two and two together, some smart Lib surely can using about one-quarter the number of the words with three times the impact.

That’s it. Now, I’m all in for McCain if/when he takes the nomination. That endorsement has so far been the kiss of death for a candidate. Maybe I should add that fact to list in MYTH 3. And YES a vote for HUCKSTERBEE is a vote for McCain.

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