Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Riding out the scandal

Schadenfreude: taking delight in the misfortune of another

You know like laughing hysterically when the Shrillda Beast gets all upset about the MSM not treating her fair. That’s rich. It’s perfectly OK when the MSM dumps all over conservatives. But Whooa Nelly when they favor Barack none shall mention his middle name Obama over the jumbo sized pant suited Shrillda. Why that’s just not fair.

Or how about John McCain’s primary campaign being hampered by McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform – now that’s funny. But not to worry, he’s still all for public funding of the general election after blowing it off for the primaries. Is there anything hypocritical about that?

Then there was Bill Clinton’s getting spiritual advice from the “Reverend” Jackson on his umpteenth tryst just before Jesse gets busted for an out wedlock love child. As an aside, shouldn’t these children be called “sex children”? If there was love involved, wouldn’t the guy leave his wife and marry the girl?

And now “Mr. Clean” aka Eliot Spitzer has been associated with a prostitution ring. First, never, ever dub any politician “Mr. Clean”. Clean and politics is an oxymoron. Some view Spitzer as white knight busting white collar criminals. Others view his assault on white collar crime as high handed, self serving and Spitzer as little more than a bully. Well, busting Harvey Milquetoast for using shareholder funds for the company Christmas party ain’t exactly like subjecting yourself to the death threats associated with bringing down the mob.

Now the pundits are saying Spitzer is done. After Bill Clinton, Larry Craig and David Vitter, I’m not so sure. Here’s how this might play out:

Lay low for a couple of news cycles and see if the whole thing dies down.

Hope and pray for Paris Hilton to get arrested – maybe even pay her to get arrested – to knock your name off the front page.

Convince the MSM that the Governor of New York paying thousands of dollars to mob connected prostitutes is a “private matter between the governor and his family”.

Last, vow to fight on. Not for yourself and your own good and well-being of course, but rather for all of the little people who need you – and only you – to fight for them. You will suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune for them – the little people, who can’t even wipe their butts without you. It’s a far, far better thing you do, than you’ve ever done before – and you’re doing it all for the little people.

It might work.

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