Thursday, August 14, 2008

The gun I buy may kill a criminal

Posted by PicasaWhile sightseeing around Philadelphia I saw several bus posters like the one pictured here. “The gun you buy for a criminal may kill my child.” That is absolute horse manure.

Problem number one is that the poster is sponsored by the State and City Attorney’s offices. Who the hell are these dopes to spend the people’s taxes to lecture anyone on gun rights in such an underhanded way? The ad doesn’t say, “Secure your firearms to prevent tragedy.” Or “With gun rights come responsibility, lock your weapons.”

The language chosen, by people who make a living using language, makes it sound as if any weapon you might purchase, for whatever reason, is ultimately being purchased for a criminal to kill someone’s child. Bull! These people know better but are hoping the B-HO crowd and other Lib public school grads can’t figure out what is going on here.

I have a handsome gun collection. I have not bought a single one of them FOR a criminal. I might someday use one of them on a criminal, but I haven’t bought them FOR criminals. The scheming attorney’s who put this ad together know how deceitful its language is but are betting little Johnny and Sally who learned everything there is to know about sex in the public schools in third grade won’t have a clue what’s being perpetrated upon them in this ad.

More on the mess in Philly tomorrow.

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