Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wind, projects and forums


Turns out Nan’ Pelosi and T. Boone are couple of windbags. These two of late have been vilifying oil and everyone involved with it from the guys who bring it out of the ground, to the refiners, to us for using too much of the stuff.

Well it turns out the two are heavily invested wind – natural not their own – and natural gas as well. So guess who stand to profit if gas remains at $4 a gallon. That would be correct - T. Boon and Nan.

Now if T Boon wants to tilt at windmills, that’s his business – literally. But a Pol holding up a vote on lifting the federal ban on drilling – while she stands to make millions if oil would just go away or at least remain unaffordable - is criminal. I’d say the House Ethics Committee – insert any oxy moron joke here - needs to look into this.

China’s Project 119

Well we finally found something Communism is good at. The Chinese have something called Project 119 that identifies children who show potential to be Olympic athletes. The state then takes control of the children and trains them like a circus animals to perform at sporting events.

Is that cheating? If it’s not against the letter of the Olympic law it’s against the spirit. But who cares? Commies have been doing this stuff forever. Just go whip their butts and the athletes have the perfect out. It’s not my fault! It’s the states’ fault. Hmm, on second thought better not go around blaming the state for anything in China.

So what if the US government got involved in such a program. Disaster that’s what. Let’s call ours Project BR549 - the number for Jr. Samples’ Hee Haw Used Car dealership. Mickey Rooney would the center on the men’s basketball team. Every relay team would have to have a black guy, a woman and disabled person on it. Shooting events would be forfeited as a stand against gun violence. Michael Phelps would be allowed to keep only one of his gold medals. The others would be confiscated by Project BR549 officials and redistributed to athletes who slept late rather than train. After years of utter failure, the Project BR549 committee would claim that more money is needed for the next “five year plan” if the US is ever going to be able to seriously compete in the Olympics.

The Saddleback forum

I missed the forum. I was in a bar in Angola, IN waiting for Michael Phelps to swim his last event. Trust me a request to switch the channel over to the forum in this place would have caused some problems.

Anyway, it seems Mr. Smooth and articulate the B-HO was a stumbling bumbling– and yes even lying - boob and was smoked like a slab of ribs at a Texas Bar-B-Q by old white guy John McCain. What to do? Well if you’re B-HO the last thing you do is say, “well I hope to do better at the next forum.” No. That would take a man. Instead, B-HO calls his opponent a cheater. Well played guys. We all know whitey got where he is today by cheating everyone from the Indians to his own mother.

The Griffin, as usual, succinctly puts the whole thing into perspective:
McCain smoked BHO last night at Rick Warren’s church. A liberal associate professor versus a Navy fighter jock. Not a difficult choice for us in Ohio.

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