Thursday, August 28, 2008

Toga! Toga! Toga!

Hey everybody, there’s a toga party at Invesco field tonight! Dems have decided to role the B-HO out on a stage resembling a Greek temple. What were they thinking? Let’s reinforce the B-HO’s “citizen of the world” image by building a Greek temple for the stage. What “smart guy” thinks Joe Sixpack is going to buy into 70,000 people cheering at a football stadium made up to look like the Acropolis?

Aside from saying “ya see” 5,000 times, what was the point of Ma O’s speech? The lie Ma O tried to convince us of was, “Ya see, we’re just like you.” That is aside from my $317,000 a year affirmative action job, the Ivy League educations, the scummy house and land deals, listening to a pastor G-D America for 20 years, ain’t never no how bein’ proud of this down right mean country, hanging out with unrepentant domestic terrorists, and giving a speech at Invesco on a stage that costs more than your whole damned neighborhood, other than that, we’re just like you.

Sure showing up to give a speech at a Greek temple, that’s what we “typical white” people do. What a load of bovine excrement.

I’m not going to watch. I have people – Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham - to do that for me, but this could blow up right in their faces. The guy getting off his shift de-greasing machinery down at the plant is more likely to think “what the hell” than to think it’s cool.

This presents a great opportunity next week for Republicans.

First stay on message:
Drill here drill now.
The surge worked. B-HO’s so stupid he doesn’t even know it yet.
Be positive about America and our future if we allow the America people rather than the American government to guide that future.

Last, we don’t need no stinkin’ Greek temple. Use photos of the Grand Canyon, Mt. Rushmore, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and the Capitol Building as backdrops.

Now, I gotta go look for an old bed sheet and something to make a laurel wreath out of for the toga party tonight.

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