Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Are the "rich" laughing at us

Did I miss something or did the Dear Leader say that he was going to “pay” for the programs contained in his nearly 4 TRILLION dollar budget by taxing the rich – those making $250,000 or more. That’s what he said - right?

Well then why is congress considering a ten cent a gallon gas tax hike? How is the pump at my local Super Speedway supposed to know that I’m not rich when I go to fill up MY tank?

Maybe the IRS is going to issue each of us non-rich one of those super market scanner cards that the pump can read to identify us as non-rich and remove the tax. Maybe when the dialog box on the pump asks “Receipt?” we’re supposed to push “yes,” gather our monthly receipts and mail them to Washington like one of those mail-in rebate things at the Best Buy. Maybe we just take the receipts over to the Twin Eagle housing development, where all the rich folks live, knock on a door and demand direct payment from the people living in those big houses.

One thing I do know is that if the Dear Leader wants the tax burden to fall on the “rich,” he’d better figure out a way to reimburse us non-rich for this gas tax if it passes.

Then there’s the problem – actually it’s the same problem – with the nearly 700 BILLION dollar carbon tax contained in the Dear Leader’s budget. Hey, even us non-rich use energy. How are we going to get reimbursed for the $300 to $3,000 dollars a year each household will be paying for higher energy, higher food, higher everything as a result of that tax?

It would seem to this casual observer that the Dear Leader of hope-n-change is bamboozling us non-rich. I don’t think there will be a mail-in rebate coupon at the pump or with costs associated with this onerous carbon tax. It would seem to me that us non-rich are going to get screwed (i.e. taxed) right along with the real rich. And you just know those damned rich people are laughing their butts off at us non-rich for voting for the Dear Leader. How can that bit of schadenfreude be fair in this era of hope-n-change?

Oh speaking of schadenfreude, did you see where the global warming crowd was protesting during a March snow storm yesterday?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw the turnout at the global warming protest at the coal fired plant was low because of the nor'easter snow storm that slammed the East coast closed schools, airports, and roads. Those that did get there could not get out. I do think God has a sense of humor. Next protest make sure to avoid that area unless you bring skis. Hilarious.
The Griffin.