Tuesday, March 17, 2009

TARP money wasted? Who'd have guessed?

EXTRA EXTRA, read all about it. Government goofs up TARP rules blames AIG for not following rules that don’t exist! Male prostitute whore house owner Frank outraged. Dear Leader blames Bush; says Demo-Dope appointed CEO Liddy who approved payments is doing a heck of a job. EXTRA EXTRA, read all about it.

If it weren’t so pathetic, or maybe because it is, this would be/is hilarious. Who said that there would be all kinds of waste, fraud and abuse associated with the massive bailout bill that nobody had read? Who said the haste and reckless manner in which the bill was passed would have all sorts of unintended consequences? Who said that there was not one shred of evidence that the US government would be able to efficiently and effectively oversee the kind of cash outlay contained in the bill? Who argued to make the money available but to trickle it out as needed over time? Yes dear readers, it was Lex.

Mark me down as one of only a handful of people in the US who are NOT outraged, surprised, upset or even mildly shocked that the government screwed this up. It was like watching a three year old with five scoops of ice cream piled one a top another on a cone walking into a room full of hungry dogs. You know the ice cream is going to end up on the floor being devoured by the dogs while the three year old cries and screams. You just don’t know which dog is going to knock the cone out of the little girl’s hand.

In their haste to do something…anything…right or wrong, congress forgot to write in any rules about how the government TARP money (wait that’s idiocy – government has no money) your money would be spent. Now the exact same dopes who foisted the bailout on us are outraged that some of the money is being used to pay bonuses to other dopes who wrecked AIG.

First, I feel more outrage every time a member of congress draws a pay check. Talk about money for nothing. Barney free parking at my whore house Frank wrecks the American economy costing us TRILLIONS and yet the lisping tub of lard is outraged over a couple of hundred million. Yeah, makes sense.

Next, hey it’s all about stimulus - right? Well those bonuses are bound to stimulate the economy somewhere. I’d as soon have some fat cat Wall St. dude throwing the money around in clubs in NY as some fat cat union boss funneling the money back into Demo-Dope campaign coffers after hijacking some “shovel ready” stimulus project for 8 times the actual cost.

As fraud goes, this ain’t much. It’s completely above board. It’s completely legal. If this is the kind of crap that is happening in plain sight, what kind of crap are the union thugs pulling in back rooms while in collusion with the Demo-Dopes?

This is not Bush’s fault. It is the wholly owned responsibility of the Dear Leader and his dope buddies in congress. This whole thing went down on their watch and was approved by the Dear Leader’s handpicked CEO of AIG. In his own Katrina moment of irony, the Dear Leader heaped praise on Liddy for doing a heck of a job while complaining about the bonuses Liddy approved. Huh? Reminds me of the, “You're doing heck of a job Brownie” comment Bush has been relentlessly lampooned over after Katrina.

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