Thursday, August 20, 2009

Boycott the boycotters

Now this is silly. Advertisers are boycotting the monstrously popular Glenn Beck for telling the truth about the Dear Dope – he’s a racist. Beck isn’t even the first guy to point it out. Rush Limbaugh has been doing so since before the election. Rush warned us that anyone who dare disagree with the Dear Dope about anything would immediately be labeled a racist.

See the Dear Dope and his minions know that YOU, being a backwoods gun toting Bible clinging moron, could not possibly disagree with grand and glorious Dear Dope on principled ground. No, if you disagree with the half black punk moron, it must be because YOU are a racist – or at least half a racist. And surprise, surprise Rush was right.

But El Rushbo’s analysis went much deeper. It went beyond some lying punk sitting in the Right Rev Wright’s Church of How’s Whitey Screwing us Now. The Maha Rushie told us the Dear Dope had a life long anger, distrust and loathing for white people who the Dear Dope somehow believes have kept him down. Odd huh? Yale, Harvard grad, IL State Senate, US Senator and President. Gee, I wish whitey would start kicking me around like that.

All Beck did is look at the body of evidence of what the Dear Dope has said and done over the years and what he HASN’T said – you know something like:

“Wow, those founding fathers were pretty smart cookies. They set this whole thing up at a time before it had ever been tried and when nobody though it would work. It has lasted over 220 years and they did it in what now amounts to about 12 type written pages. By comparison, it took the Demo-Dopes over 1,000 pages to disguise the porkuls bill as a stimulus bill and 1,200 pages to put Dear-Dope-a-care on track to wreck American healthcare.”

So Beck is being a boycotted for being a Johnny-come-lately to pointing out the obvious. Although to Beck’s credit he has done it in his typically clear fashion calling President Obama a racist, who has “deep-seated hatred for white people of the white culture.”

Whoa, there Glenny. You cannot call the guy who calls everyone who disagrees with him a racist…a racist. Why that’s would be, well, racist. Look when everybody and anybody is called a racist, what do you call a real racist like the Dear Dope? It’s like using Hitler images at every protest, calling every government policy you might disagree with Nazi like, or having the N word (ni**er in this case not Nazi) being a mainstay in rap. The public becomes so used to hearing it it’s like city traffic, at some point nobody pays any attention to it.

So here’s a partial list of boycotters, Best Buy, CVS, Travelocity, GMAC, Wal-Mart. Look I don’t shop at these places anyway – well I don’t shop at all – but let’s counter boycott them for awhile.

Oh and this. The Dear Dope was on the blower yesterday to “religious leaders” - Rev Wright? - to sell Dear-Dope-a-care as moral obligation of religious people. BULL$H!T!! I don’t think Jesus ever said, “givith unto the government so that the government can waste half and spread the other half around.” You won’t get past St. Peter at the gate by answering the question, “What have you done to help your neighbor?’” with, “Well Pete, I paid my taxes.”

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