Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nazis calling protesters Nazis

Quick! How many troops does the US have in Iraq today? 0 like the Dear Dope said there would be during his lying @$$ campaign? No. As mentioned, the Dear Dope was lying his skinny @$$ off during the campaign and had less understanding of the geo political situation in the Middle East during the campaign than he currently has of throwing a baseball. Well then, we must be down to a couple of brigades and support troops, say 60,000? Wrong again. 90,000 then, but just for security, we’re not doing any of the actual fighting. Wrong. 100,000? Nope. Try roughly 130,000 the same number that was there when President Bush left office.

So nothing much with regard to the numbers of US forces in Iraq has changed since the Dear Dope took over. But where oh where did all of the war protesters go? Hmm. It’s easier to find a Leprechaun or even a Demo-Dope with a functioning brain than a war protester these days, even as the war in Iraq trips along at about the same pace as before. Oh, and the war in Afghanistan is actually expanding.

As the Dear Dope’s healthcare strategy begins to fall apart like a Ralph Cramden plan on The Honeymooners, the “former” war protesters have now have turned on their fellow citizens. Instead of protesting something as mundane as war, the former war protesters are now protesting their fellow citizens for protesting an idiotic government policy that will destroy American healthcare.

And they use the exact same tactics. They called Bush Hitler. Now they are calling granny with her handmade “No Hell Care” sign a mob member using Nazi like tactics. So you have quite a bit of irony here. Granny who actually may have been around to contribute to stopping the Nazis, is now being called a Nazi. She’s called a Nazi by professional “rent-a-mob” whiners (AKA union thugs and ACORN weasels), because granny has the audacity to speak out against the Dear Dope’s foolish ideas on nationalizing healthcare. Ironically the Dear Dope’s ideas on “nationalizing healthcare” would fit better with Hitler’s way of thinking (Nazi is short for National Socialism which sought control of public industry for the good of the state) than with the healthcare protesters' ideas which insist on private healthcare.

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