Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Dope and the Wedge declare KSM guilty

Bring the guilty bastard in. Let the wheels of justice spin.

If anyone had any doubts that Doofus McGoofus and Attorney General Wedge (the wedge is the simplest tool know to man) aka Holder are in over their heads, watch or read about some of the senate hearings on Wedge’s foolish decision to try KSM and four other Islamo-Terror-Fascists in NYC.

Trying to explain the inexplicable, Wedge looked like a slow 8th grader trying to explain his science project on thermodynamics to the science judges. After three questions it becomes apparent to everyone, even little Wedgie, that he doesn’t have a clue about the subject that he was supposed to have spent the last four months studying. The questioning goes something like this:

Judge: What is thermodynamics?

Wedgie: (Long pause) Hmmm. (Long Pause) Aaah. (Long pause) Could you repeat the question?

Given that KSM was willing to plead guilty, admit what he did and be hanged, it’s impossible for Wedge to argue bringing KSM to NYC is about justice. How can it be about justice when the Dope and the Wedge both said yesterday that the terrorist WOULD BE convicted and put death? The Dope denied saying that, but it is on tape.

So we have the two top law enforcement officers in the country declaring the defendant guilty BEFORE the trial!!! How does that “show the world” anything but that these cases are destined to be nothing more than show trials along the ChiCom line with the results already determined?

Jonah Goldberg Nails it:

Every day it appears more and more that the White House wants it both ways. They want to claim that this is a fair trial but also an act of venegeance. The terrorists will be treated as if they might be innocent — key to a fair trial — but at the end of the day they’ll get their comeuppance. If KSM & Co. get off on a technicality, don’t worry, they’ll still be locked up, but when they’re convicted the White House will claim it was always a fair process. They’ll get a fair trial from an impartial jury in New York, but it’s “fitting” and “poetic justice” that the jury will be drawn from the community that was viciously attacked on 9/11. Fair but vengeul, honest but foreordained, instructive to the world but really just about the law: the rhetoric from the White House and the Democrats isn’t persuasive to those who listen closely and certainly won’t be persuasive to foreigners Obama is determined to impress.

So what’s up with the Dear Dope and Wedge bring the Islamo-Terrorist to NYC at great expense (Chuckles Schumer is asking the Feds for 75 million in start up money for the trial) and confusion?

It is the OJ trial on steroids. OJ successfully put the LA police Dept. and Mark Furman on trial and OJ walked. KSM and the others will be putting the Bush administration and the CIA on trial.

The Griffin’s take:

They [The Dear Dope and Wedge] want water boarding as the focus. My prediction is that the NY Federal Court will throw out all charges because of our interrogation techniques and KSM and others, and this will end up in front of a military court. Do-gooders can’t help themselves. It is not about justice. It is about show. Show the world we are a country of laws that does not let “torture” go without consequences. They can “embarrass” Bush, Cheney, and the CIA and then throw the case out .

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