Friday, December 17, 2010

P-BO's only goal in Afghanistan is to get out

Yesterday P-BO declared that, "we are on track to achieve our goals" in Afghanistan. Goals? What goals? The only clearly articulated goal this administration has laid out is to get the hell out of Afghanistan as fast as possible. Given that low bar, how could we NOT be on track?

While the magnificent fighting men on the ground play whack a mole with the Taliban and AQ, killing and driving them out of one area only to see them raise their ugly heads in another, P-BO and his merry band act as if it’s all a big game of Stratego or Risk. Commanders on the ground ask for a 60,000 troop surge, military genius P-BO claims we can only afford to send 30,000. That rejection of sound military advice alone probably leaves several hundred holes where the enemy can run to raise his head after being whacked hard in another.

And while the game proceeds in Washington, by-standers in Afghanistan are placing their bets. Do they go with the moles who are in the game for the long run or the player whacking them? Well, when the player whacking the moles tells the crowd that he intends to quit the game before his quarter runs out, it’s a pretty easy bet.

And remember, this is the good war that P-BO said he’d fight and win. But it is hard. Pakistan won’t cooperate. Karzi is a two-faced mental case. Allies are only willing to sit in secure compounds. The US media lays in wait for any foul up. And after nearly 10 years of low grade conflict, the American people are tiring of the fight.

Well, so sad too bad. Remember candidate B-HO wanted the job. He was going to restore our standing around the world and in particular with those practicing the religion of perpetual anger and outrage. So where has all of P-BO’s bowing and @$$ kissing gotten us? Pretty much where we were when the anointed one took over with none of seriousness for the situation that President Bush brought to the table.

Remember that candidate B-HO said he’d send troops into Pakistan if that country didn’t cooperate? Well they ain’t cooperating. Remember candidate B-HO said he’d rally allies to make a greater commitment to the fight? Well they still ain’t fighting. Remember the pipe dreams candidate B-HO spun with regard to changing the world’s opinion of the US that would cause Islamo-Terror-Fascists around the world to lay down their arms? I’ve seen no evidence whatever of that. In fact, if you believe the news media, ITF are more intent than ever to blow us up. Our reaction to that is to strip American’s virtually naked at airports, remove nativity scenes from the public square and heap great praise upon ITFs for accomplishments that they had little or nothing to with.

And to make matters worse, (Is that possible?) P-BO and his band of know nothings are bent on destroying the very force they rely upon to stand between us and the ITF. The Senate takes up DADT this Sat. A body of cowards is going to tell the very bravest among us how to do business. The one institution in government that works – the US military – is going to be manipulated by the least popular, least effective, least capable, least representative of military values and most corrupt. What could go wrong?

Look, I’m well removed form the fight. But I know that a force can be broken. We’re in two wars with guys moving on their 3rd and 4th deployments into combat. 60% say repeal of DADT is going to adversely affect the force. What more do we expect from these guys? When the barracks are turned into homosexual brothels, the force begins to crumble and we have another Desert One, the preening (g)assbags in congress will hold hearings asking military men why things are so screwed up. The whole time the Barney Franks of the world will be doing the Fanny Freddy Mac shuffle acting as if they had nothing to do with creating the disaster that they are investigating.

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