Monday, January 16, 2012

Just hold it until the next gas station, I guess

This really pisses me off. Some Allah loving Islamo-Terror-Fascist guns down over 40 people, killing 13, at Ft. Hood and the P-BO administration labels that terrorist act ”workplace violence.” But before that lunacy, the Army Chief of Staff’s major concern isn’t for the dead or their suffering families. No. Any call to examine the Army’s “diversity program” that allowed an avowed terrorist to remain in the ranks and get promoted while spewing anti-American hatred would be much worse, according to Gen George I love diversity more than my own soldiers Casey.

Now we have four Marines urinating on three already dead Taliban fighters, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps has appointed a three star general to investigate the incident. Dare I say, and I alluded to it when Gen Amos was appointed Commandant, this is what you get when you place a Naval Aviator in charge of America’s premier ground combat troops. Gen Amos’s idea of up close and personal is dropping ordinance from a couple of thousand feet while going a couple hundred miles an hour, before beating it home to a hot shower, cool tent with a cot and three squares.

Like Abu Graihb, this is a big deal only because we make it a big deal. Amos should have issued a statement along the lines of:

I don’t like my Marines pissing on dead people. Weren’t there some live prisoners around that that urine would have had a more positive affect on? I like Marines who video the act and put it on Facebook a whole hell of lot less than the guys doing the pissing. So, if you’re going to piss on dead Tallies, for crying out loud, don’t video it. I expect the Gunny in charge of these four to have them dig a slit trench from their current position to the top of the Arctic Circle and Courts Martial the idiot who videoed the act. This case is closed.

It would also be cool if there was a sort of Spartacus defense. When the Gunny comes out in the morning and says he wants to see the four Marines who pissed on the dead Tallies, the whole company lines up outside the Gunny's fighting hole.

Instead everyone, SecDef, SecState, Commandant are wringing their hands over something that has been going on since Cain slew Able. The only way out of it now for anyone involved in this incident is to claim that they are transgendered homosexuals (think about it), who drink too much because they worried about global warming and are suffering from PTSD. The reaction would be, Oh poor lads! Here’s your 500% disability waiver. Amos would be against them, before he “embraced” them – figuratively of course…I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a lad about 4 years old I learned that hunting dogs make bad house dogs, and definitely are not good lap dogs. Hunting dogs are scarred up, sewn up, and pissed off when not hunting. One of my uncles had bear dogs. They were well trained, had no fear, and were never petted. They were bred to be mean as hell and they pissed wherever they wanted. My uncle had some pictures of his bear dogs. Most of them had a dead bear in the picture. The hounds always looked like they were waiting for the bear to make a move. Great pictures but not quite like my grandmothers foo-foo dog with bows in their hair. Maybe only hunters can appreicate a picture of Marines in the field. Non-hunters should not look at them.
The Griffin.