Thursday, January 19, 2012

Not affraid to support the successful good looking candidate

Well pretty much on cue the Newtster began his melt down. Forgetting that it was his critique of Demo-Dopes that got him all his hype after the last debate, Newt decided he’d had enough of Republicans as well. Newt called on Rick Santorum, yeah the guy who has beaten him in the first two Republican contests, to step down in order to make more room for Newt. Rick’s reaction was predictable, YGBSM!

Then Newt took aim at Romney calling him dirty! That’s the exact opposite of how Slowest of all Joes, Joe shovel ready Biden characterized candidate B-HO in 2008. As you recall, his slowness referred to B-HO as the first clean and articulate African American candidate. Well when you’re 180 out with that mental midget, you’re probably on to something. But Newt wasn’t referring to the P-BO. If he were he’d probably be spot on. He was referring to Romney.

So yeah, I’m officially off the Newt train again. Among other things, I don’t think he has the temperament to be president. The last thing we need is someone who becomes unhinged when a political rival gets in a dig.

Santorum went after Newt as well saying that he, Santorum, never shared a couch with anyone but his wife and he doesn’t need to prove he’s the smartest guy in the room by coming up with a new hare brained idea every 20 seconds. Santorum said that the guy he’s beaten like a drum in the first two contests is arrogant and suffering from a fit of hubris for suggesting he and Rick Perry leave the race so everyone can coalesce around Newt. That’s like CNN telling FOX and MSNBC that they should get out of the way so cable news viewers can watch them. Idiot.

Then all of the candidates are piling on Romney for paying his taxes at the required rate and earning money. You’d think this tactic would be left to the Demo-Dopes. Santorum was bragging that he was pretty sure he paid more than 15% in taxes. Good for you Rick. Why don’t make the point by sending it all in?

Santorum also ridiculed Romney for saying 300K in speaking fees wasn’t that much money. Romney made 300K for 8 speeches. That’s about $37,500 per speech. Wow that’s a ton of money.

Not really. Billy boy put some ice on it Clinton takes in between 150-450,000 dollars PER SPEECH. The king of the talker is Donald Trump. He gets a whopping 1.5 MILLION per speech. So in the realm of public speaking fees, $35k isn’t even in the lower middlan range. Besides what business is it of Santorum's how much money people are willing to pay Romney to hear him talk? Rick, if you could get it, would you take it?

Who do want for president Rick? Would have us scour the back alleys for some unaccomplished bum? Myself, I prefer the successful types as president. We are currently experiencing what happens when you trust a know nothing, do nothing, be nothing (g)assbags with the reins of power. Think of your high school class president. Did you vote for the fat guy picking his nose in study hall or the smart kid who captained the basketball team?

I’m happy my guy is successful. I’m happy he’s been married to the same woman his entire life instead of having to number them like Lex’s conspiracy theories. I’m happy he’s run a business like a business, concentrating on people, product and profit instead of thinking the business exists solely as a means to provide the maximum people possible health insurance (think auto industry here). I’m happy he and his family are successful attractive people. I’m happy that he remains a confident happy warrior. I’m happy as he has moved around in his life, good things have followed in his wake.

By contrast look at Newt - a short, fat, angry man.   OK, I'll give him smart as well, but everywhere he’s been whether in his personal life or political life, a trail of wreckage is left behind. That’s what he’s trying to do with this campaign.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having Newt at the poker table for a few hours would be a gas. But I suspect he would fume at every lost hand. No one wants to lose a hand but it is a test of character. I suspect he would blow his money with bad bets on some perceived slights. He could calculate all the odds in his head in milliseconds, assess all the possibilities, and then turn the table over because he lost a hand. The Griffin.