Thursday, February 09, 2012

Pay for your own damned abortion

The latest line of attack on the Catholic Church’s stand against the P-BO’s boneheaded move to force the church to pay for and make available all manner of Liberal socially destructive BS, is that 98% of Catholic women use contraceptives. Let’s say that’s true. Who’s paying for them? Certainly the church isn’t.

I’m pretty sure a very large percentage of Catholics cuss from time to time, that doesn’t mean the church should be forced by the government to hold workshops on how to cuss.

And isn’t it, even for the moral relativism crowd, a rather long leap from contraceptives to abortion and sterilization? Do these giants of deep thoughts throw the kid who swipes a candy bar from the corner store in with adults who invade a home, rape and kill its occupants and steal the plasma TV?

The church’s moral argument against contraceptives can be seen in practical terms in the demographics in Europe and it is beginning to show here in the US. The European train, after leaving stations marked, socialism, social and multicultural decline, is pulling into the station marked irreversible loss of identity. The US train is only a few stations back up the track.

It strikes me - that is the whole purpose of everything that the P-BO does. If you think he’s destructive to the American way of life as we knew it now, while he’s trying to thread the needle to a second term, wait until he is unencumbered by the need to run for re-election. Our decline in a second P-BO term will be, to borrow a term from the Justice Dept., fast and furious.

Don’t fall for the avalanche of BS that is sure to flow from this administration of lying turd biscuits and their willing accomplices in the lame steam media. It is the church’s responsibility and, for now anyway, right to proclaim its doctrine as it sees fit. It is the flock’s responsibility to live within the doctrine as best they can. The fact that a large percentage of flock fails, doesn’t give the government the right to declare the doctrine null and void.

Now, let me put the entire religious argument aside. Just when did it become my responsibility to pay for some woman’s abortion or birth control anyway? Pay for your own damned abortion. And while we’re at it, your own sex change operation, sterilization, cosmetic changes, implants, and all manner of other degenerate crap that is being forced on an already broke and struggling middle class.

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