Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tonight's debate

Don’t get the words contraceptives or abortion or the phrase women’s health for your drinking game during tonight’s Republican debate. Demo-Dopes and their lemmings in the MSM are going to go for the kill shot against Santorum tonight. He’s vowed to defend everything he’s said.

Contraception is phony issue drummed up by phony media shills and desperate Demo-Dopes. But don’t think that just because it’s phony it won’t work. Remember when Republicans tried to slow the growth of certain programs, Dopes used demagoguery to lead Americans to think that the Republicans wanted to “cut funds.” So only in America can a 3% increase in spending successfully be labeled a “cut.”

While no one wants to end the use of contraception, Dopes will frame Republicans’ stand for religious conscience and neighbors not wanting to pay for a neighbor’s birth control as a “ban.” This is typical Dope Lib logic. The Supreme Court said abortion is legal. So now, it’s a Constitutional right. Since it’s a Constitutional right, the government must pay for it.

So where’s the argument for me paying for your birth control? Exactly! Where is it? We jumped from a Supreme Court decision making abortion being legal; to it being a Constitutional right; to the government has to pay for it; to abortion includes birth control. It’s mind boggling. It would be like the NRA claiming that because we have a 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, the government has to buy them for us and the ammo as well.

Anyone who dares say, “Whoa up there Skippy. I’m not sure much of that logic makes sense” is labeled a right wing, Bible thumping Neanderthal who wants women to suffer and die horrible deaths, because after all, it’s a women’s “health issue” don’t you know?

That’s absurd. Given the threat of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, it would seem to me promoting all manner of aberrant sexual behavior by removing any consequence through contraceptives and abortion is bigger threat to women’s health than issuing a simple statement that says, “Hey, you’re going to have pay for your own damned abortion and birth control.” I really do not see how that makes me a bad guy. But in LiboLand, where thinking is a crime, it does and probably a racist to boot.

The best defense of the right of conscience act that I’ve heard came from a priest schooling Demo-Dopes on the absurdity of forcing people of conscience to foot the bill for objectionable procedures and medicines. He said, "Making a Catholic shop owner pay for abortion would be like a man walking into a Kosher Deli and demanding a ham sandwich. When the owner refuses, the government steps in and says not only do you have to serve him a ham sandwich, you have to pay for it.”

I don’t know how we got here. Oh yeah, Santorum is going to get hammered in tonight’s debate. Might be worth watching to see how he does. Newt will try to lay waste to the host. The host will be prepared. Newt and Santorum will gang up on Romney. Paul will come off as the real deal until the debate turns to foreign policy.

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