Friday, July 06, 2012

A few things

Eric the wad Holder is complaining that the Republicans are out to get him. They are. That's what happens when you are lying incompetent d-bag. That's what happens when your department is responsible for some Wiley E. Coyote plan to grab American's that blows up in your face and ends in the deaths of hundreds of Mexican citizens and an American Border Patrol Agent. Hat's what happens when you chose not to hold anyone responsible for the debacle. That's what happens when you try to cover the whole thing up. So yeah, they are lout to get you.

On the 4th a notion struck me. We've heard forever from Libs that America was founded by racist dead white men. OK. Let's run with that. Where did that get us? The greatest, most powerful, most energetic, richest, most creative planet on Earth. Now fast forward 235 years. Where are we now? After let's say 40 years of affirmative action and manner of diversity BS where are we? Libs like to tell us that we're on a downward slope, a nation in decline. They are right. So what can we learn? Better to trust a bunch of dead racisit white men than the @$$ managerie currently running things. And if they where honest, the Libs would have to agree. Wait. A Lib being honest? Never mind.

I read where Homeland Security was ordering their agents to run away, hide and wait for the cops if they ever encontered a perp with a gun. Reminds of Monty Python and the Holy Grail where Brave, Brave Sir Robin chickened out and ran away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess GWB put the screws to P-BO for a poor ecomonic report today. More people do not want the fraud- ripe ACA than want it, and it was Mitt Romney's idea that P-BO took and duplicated. Mitt's fault. Operation "Wide Reciver" (nothing to do with Moochelle) under GWB started F&F per the AG Holdthis and P-BO. OSU lost Tressel because of GWB but got Meyer because of P-BO. And the Nobel Committee gave the Punk and Al Gore Peace Prizes because they were going to end global warming. It will be 102 degrees in Ohio today. Of course GWB's fault it is hot today. Slow Joe is being measured to see which bus will be best for throwing him under in November. The new P-BO slogan should,"The Everyone Gets Thrown Under This Bus Tour". The Griffin.