Thursday, July 19, 2012

If Barry can't do it, everybody can't

Suppose there is a punk, let’s call him Barry. Suppose Barry has not accomplished one single thing in his entire worthless life with out someone ignoring his mediocre effort or fixing his foul-ups. Suppose Barry mysteriously gets into exclusive schools. Suppose Barry is somehow put in an exclusive position in an exclusive club on campus. Suppose Barry uses his exclusive education to organize things instead of building things. Suppose Barry writes a couple of autobiographical books that turn out to be full of lies and half truths. Suppose Barry’s friends clear the field of competition to get him elected to a state senate seat. Suppose they again clear the fields and get Barry elected to a US senate seat. Suppose Barry runs for and wins a presidential election with his ONLY qualification being that he’s running for president. Suppose the Nobel committee gives Barry a peace prize for winning the election.

Now suppose Barry tells the business leaders of the nation, “If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.” If you knew the first paragraph, you’d know why Barry said what he said and would not be surprised by it. In Barry’s world, he’s never had to do ONE DAMNED THING that somebody else didn’t make happen. It is not at all surprising that a guy who has been passed through his entire life thinks that is the way it is for everyone. After all, if Barry can’t do it, nobody can.  Or is it, if Barry can't do it, everybody can't?

Now suppose we don’t have to suppose any of this. Yeah, we’re screwed.

Now suppose that nearly one half of all voters do not pay any taxes on their income. Now suppose nearly one half of all voters are receiving some kind of federal aide. Now suppose that the government that is trillions in debt is actually advertising for more people, including illegal aliens, to go public assistance.

Now suppose you don’t have to suppose any of that either. Yeah, we’re doubly screwed.

What all of this means is that there is an ever growing number of Americans who are trading the American dream of success based on equal opportunity and individual drive for one where “someone else” makes things happen for them. And we’re being “led” by a dope that through his own life’s experiences believes in the latter model.

Yeah, we’re triply screwed.

Romney’s tax returns
I couldn’t care less. Romney ought to stipulate that he made a lot of money, something his opponent is totally incapable of doing. He ought to stipulate that he didn’t pay one dime more in taxes than he was legally obligated to and still that sum amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars. That is something that Little Barry supporter and “Tax me! Tax Me!!” loud mouth Warren Buffet cannot say. He’s involved in litigation to have his tax burden reduced while lying and bitching about his secretary paying more in taxes than he does. First, pay your damn taxes Warren. Then, we’ll see where your secretary stands. Next, if she pays more, pay your secretary more money you cheap bastard. Last, if you want to pay the government more money go ahead and then STFU about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Obama Syndrome, defined;
1) academically oriented without practical experience, 2)narcissist 3)fake 4) blames others for personal shortfalls and failures 5)financially irresponible 6)believes in large central government that limits individual freedoms. 7)those with this syndrome are usually not trusted by men, especially men with leadership skills. Possible statements indicating a person with The Obama Syndrome; "I killed Bin Laden"; "I saved the US auto industry":"Private business owners did not earn their success but got it from the government";No known cure. The Griffin.