Thursday, August 30, 2012

Convention stuff

Juan speaks the truth so let's play a game
One of Fox News’s tenant liberals, Juan Williams, took the MESSNBC approach to assessing Ann Romney’s Tues night speech saying she sounded like “corporate wife.” What does that mean? Well, she’s rich. Yes, she is. But by her account they didn’t start out that way. Now Juan is back peddling faster than a rookie corner given man coverage on Larry Fitzgerald. Turns out, so he says, he wasn’t talking about Ann Romney at all but rather her speech. That would be nice a cover Juan if Ann Romney weren’t an actual “corporate wife.”

But let’s give Juan a break. Wow finally a first lady of a president who has actually held a job. OK a corporate job, but none-the-less a job. We haven’t seen that since Little Barry lied his way to the White House.

So Juan let’s play a game;

If Ann Romney = corporate wife what does Shrilldabeast Clinton equal? That’s an easy one Shilldabeast = misogynist's wife and enabler.

If Ann Romney = corporate wife what does Moochele Little Barry equal? So many choices Moochele = angry man’s wife, angry woman, moron’s wife, expensive vacationer, perpetual vacationer, hectoring dingbat, food police, broad@$$ b^%ch, welfare queen, entitlement queen, affirmative action queen oh well you get the point.

If Ann Romney = corporate wife what does Sandy Fluke equal? Hmm, Fluke = never a wife, slut, 30 year old (aka perpetual) college student, whiner, gold digger, lonely pathetic woman.

If Ann Romney = corporate wife what does Grand San Fran Nan Pelooser equal? Grand San Fran Nan = clueless dolt of a wife.

If Ann Romney = corporate wife what does Maxine box-O-rocks Waters equal? Oh crap, clueless dolt is already taken. OK Box-O-Rocks = clueless race baiting creep of a wife.

So keep up the good work Juan. You’re doing a heck of a job

Christie Vs. Ryan
I was surprised how good Chris Christies’ speech was sans the bare knuckles knock out punches to Little Barry’s effeminate and I’m sure glass jaw. It would have been so easy. I figured Christie wasn’t playing to the Lex’s of the world, because there’s only one. Rather he was playing to America as a whole. In that sense, I thought it was an awesome speech.

Who would have guessed that Paul Ryan would be better at taking a hatchet to Little Barry than Christie? He was, and he sliced and diced Little Barry’s record with the skill of surgeon and while smiling. I’m sure Little Barry stood up and said, “Ha, he never touched me.” Then when he took his first step fell apart like a cartoon figure into a thousand Little Barry pieces.

I’d say oh so Slow Joe chains Biden should be very afraid. But J-O-B-S is a three letter word Joe is way, way too stupid and arrogant, a dangerous combination if ever there were one, to have comprehended the Ryan speech. Suffice it say, Slowest of all Joe’s handlers will not sleep a wink until after the VP debate when they can put their imbecile charge back under a rock for the remainder of the campaign.

Did McCain just spend more time aggressively taking on Little Barry in a 30 minute convention speech than he did during a 4 month campaign in 2008? Why, yes. I think he did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Juan is of course a racist. He called Ann Romney a corporate wife. Juan was of course speaking in racist code, in which "corporate" wife means "white, rich, Stepford, spouse of a mean rich, mean, white guy". Although Juan never said "white", we knew what he really (wink, wink) meant. Juan, you should be ashamed. You are a racist pig. And the dumbcraks continue their "war on women". I am still searching out the definition of Mucaca if anyone can find it. The Griffin.