Friday, August 17, 2012

Toure' huh?

Lex was going to do another post on what a COMPLETE lame-brained d-bag Oh, so Slow Joe stand up Chuck (Chuck is sitting in a wheelchair) let ‘em see ya Biden is when I ran across this piece by Jonah Goldberg on National Review on line. It’s funny as hell as long as you can suspend your knowledge that Joe Buffoon is the sitting Vice President of the United States. If you slip in that mental task, it then becomes scary as hell.

Niggerization or half-niggerization?
Some race baiting MSNBC seaming pile of yard crap named Toure’ – Yeah, I think he’s one those one name great thinkers, like Cher – let loose with this gem about Romney’s response to Slowest of all Joe’s own race baiting BS:

“I mean, that really bothered me. You notice he said ‘anger’ twice. He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man. This is part of the playbook against Obama, the ‘otherization’ — ‘he’s not like us.’”

“I know it’s a heavy thing, I don’t say it lightly, but this is niggerization. ‘You are not one of us, you are like the scary black man who we’ve been trained to fear.’ And the idea of locating anger around Obama just doesn’t fit with who he is and who he trained himself to be going back to high school, training himself to be ‘no-drama Obama.’ They are talking to people who are trained to hate him, who want to hate him so this how we turn out the base to work against him.”

This is what passes for intellect on MSNBC. Lex graduated in the middle of his high school class in a small rural Ohio high school. It took him 5 years to graduate from The Ohio State University with a no load degree in communications. I have no illusions about my own mental accumen.  But I do have a pretty accurate BS detector and a healthy suspicion of people with more degrees than common sense whose IQs are some how so high they can’t figure out which side of the sink the disposal is on. 
Little Barry IS an angry little punk with a chip on shoulder. Let’s do a quick recount:

The cops acted stupidly
You didn’t build that. Someone else made that happen.
If they bring a knife we bring a gun
Typical white woman
Bitter clingers
Telling Hispanics they should punish their enemies
Rev? Jerry Wright as your “spiritual mentor” for TWENTY YEARS how do you get any more angry than that?

Toure’, dude, Little Barry IS angry, and it’s the worst kind of angry in that there is no tangible reason for it. He’s been passed through and covered for his entire life.  Left on his own, he'd probably be a small time dope peddler in a back alley in HI.

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