Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Robin Hood wouldn't have stolen Jesus' gold, frankincense and myrrh

Per usual Little Barry proved…again… he’s always the dumbest guy in any room that doesn’t include slowest of all Joes, Slow Joe J-O-B-S is a three letter word Biden. On the stump yesterday, Little Barry showed his ignorance using the Robin Hood story in a totally backassward way to say Mitt Romney wants to steal from the poor to give to the rich.

Little Barry’s main point was that if my rich neighbor doesn’t pay a higher tax rate that is somehow stealing from me to give to my neighbor. Huh? Exactly how does that work Little Barry? Suppose I pay a $100 tax. My rich neighbor pays $1,000. How does my neighbor not paying or even paying $1,500 help my own $100 tax burden? Especially when raising my neighbor’s and every other rich person’s tax in the nation will fund the government for less than 8 days.

The government confiscating more of my neighbor’s hard earned wealth does me not one bit of good. In fact it probably hurts me in the long, because there will be less private sector dollars available to buy my goods. And without a doubt a large percentage of my rich neighbor’s tax dollars will simply be wasted by the government to buy off more and more of Little Barry’s corrupt supporters.

Next, Little Barry misses the entire point of Robin Hood. The good Richard the Lion Hearted left England to fight the crusades. While he’s gone, the assbag Prince John – let’s call him Prince Barry in our story – raises everyone’s taxes to support his own lavish lifestyle. Barry sends the sheriff out to collect the taxes and Robin Hood descends on the prince’s tax collectors and returns the money to the people.

Robin Hood is NOT the Bane character from TDKR. He’s not knocking down the doors of rich merchants and “stealing” their wealth to redistribute to the masses. That’s Little Barry’s MO. Robin Hood took money from the tax collector and gave it back to the people from whom it had been taken.

Little Barry wants to be the tax collector. He wants take the wealth from society’s workers and redistribute it to those with no work ethic, no green card, no ambition, no aspiration, no hope, no clue, who sit in their hovel waiting for Little Barry to give them a free cell phone then turn on the gruel machine and decide how much they can have.

Last, there’s just the total hypocrisy of Little Barry’s entire meme. The poor Vs. the rich BS came at a $500 per person fund raiser in CT. By Little Barry’s standard $500 is piker territory. A recent fund raiser thrown for Little Barry by his Hollywood swells, including TDKR good girl Anne Hathaway, cost the 60 guys Little Barry loves to hate a jaw dropping $35,800. Hey it’s their money, and apparently they have plenty of it.

Libs always get this Robin Hood thing wrong. They love the communist egalitarian idea of taking (aka stealing) from the rich and giving or “redistributing” to the poor. Too bad for Libs what Robin Hood really did was to take taxes collected by an onerous government led by a petty tyrant and returned them to the people.

The Libs continuous misappropriation of the Robin Hood legend is second only to the insanity of them calling Jesus a homeless child of a single mother. In that case, once again, it was an onerous government that causes all of the problems.  And no, Robin Hood would not have shown up at the manger scene and taken Jesus' gold, frankincense and myrrh.  He'd have been making trouble for King Herrod.

And there you have it Mr. and Mrs. America an artful intertwining of Robin Hood and the birth of the Christ child.  You simply don't get this stuff anywhere else.  Thankfully?

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