Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Don't just raise taxes, DO SOMETHING DAMN IT!!

Word from everyone from Ann Coulter to Tom Coburn is that raising taxes is inevitable, because “Little Barry won.” After wiping away a stream of tears and blowing his nose, John Boehner offered up $800 billion in additional taxes by closing so called “loopholes.” A loophole is something in the tax code passed by congress that your neighbor uses to avoid paying his fair share. It’s the same as a deduction, which is what you use to reduce your taxable income so that you do not pay more than your fair share.

Taxes may be going up. In fact I’d bet Andy’s favorite tool belt that they will. But they shouldn’t go before one great big huge fight. That’s what is missing on our side, among other things, is someone who is a vocal brass knuckles brawler like Andrew Breitbart.

So here’s what I’d do. First I’d schedual a series of votes in the house on the various plans out there. Hold a vote on Simpson-Bowles, the Ryan Plan and to the extent possible a bill that represents Little Barry’s ghost plan. Find out what there actually is support for within the house. Then in a bit a theater put together a bill that represents a balanced budget for all of the spending the Dopes want and vote on it.

Why is Boehner waiting around for Little Barry and Harry the roach Reid? That’s a dead end if ever there was one. Neither has the leadership capable of leading Rosie O’Donnell to the all you can eat buffet. Vote on the various bills. It’ll get you some news for a day. It’ll force the Dopes to take a side or put a real plan. In the case of the balanced budget bill that pays for all of the dope spending, it’ll demonstrate to Americans what government is REALLY costing them when THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT rather than borrow it from China and passing that bill along to their children – or better yet, given the generational nature of today’s free loaders, someone else’s children. Talk about a rude awakening.

Republicans can not just throw up their hands and lament, “Oh well, Little Barry won. I guess that makes him dictator for the next two years.” If that’s the approach on the budget, what will their approach be when immigration reform rolls around? “Oh well, Little Barry won. I guess we’ll have open borders for the next two years.” What is their approach going to be when the Dope begin to advocate the state killing off everyone from the unborn to the aged, from the malformed to the kid who can’t a C average at the public school thereby making his union teacher look bad? “Oh well, Little Barry won. Guess we’ll be a culture of death of the innocent for the next 2 years.”

What we need, more than anything, is one firebrand to plainly tell the truth about Dopes up close and personally. Liars, cheats and creeps pretty much tells the truth about the Dopes and we need someone who will go into the lion’s den on MSNBC and tell the truth loud and in their face. All this nice guy BS is not cutting it. It sugar coats the truth or is said in a manner that the Reps hope people will figure it out for themselves. Guess what GOP, this generation of public schoolers are probably incapable of figuring it out on their own.

Last, how about a rally for the base in DC. If the Rep. politicians won’t rally the base, Beck, Hannity, Ingraham and Rush should. A 10 million man march on Washington DC if you will. We are still roughly half of America. We should stand up and begin acting as if we are. We should hold cry baby Boehner’s feet to the fire and put the Dopes on notice that while they can roll the Repbli-Rats, they can’t roll us.

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