Tuesday, July 29, 2014

King SFB's Dep of State offended at being called out for its stupidity

Given its neighborhood, Israel is an impossibly small country.  It’s about the size of the state of New Jersey.  It’s about 260 miles long and at its narrowest point is less than 10 miles wide.  It is surrounded by Arabs who have been trying to destroy it since its inception.  It is a nation that goes to sleep every night wondering what Islamo-Terror-Fascist attack it will have to endure tomorrow and if it will it be able to survive that attack.

Given this geo-political background, how in the hell can any reasonable person argue that what Israel needs to do is to surrender more land for a peace that will NEVER come?  What land?  What peace?

The azzbags in the King SFB’s administration don’t have a clue about Israeli security.  SecState and chief ITF apologist Kerry travelled to the Middle East supposedly to broker a cease fire.  What he did was ask Israel to accept every Hamas demand and in addition to those demands pay for reconstruction in Gaza.  When the Israelis howled, YGBSM!  Kerry got all offended, left in a huff and put himself in for 15 Purple Hearts and a half dozen Navy Crosses for his effort. 

Israel might learn from the Kerry visit that Kerry and SFB don’t give a crapola about Israel.  They should take this opportunity to put as close to an end to Hamas as is possible.  Instead of discouraging the Israeli effort to kill ITF scum, Americans should be cheering every lopsided report.  The more ITF Israelis kill the fewer that are likely to stroll across our southern border and blow themselves up in a Pizza Hut on Friday night after the high school football game.

Kerry’s not the only idiot apologist for the ITF.  It’s a well known fact that you can fix fat, and you can hide old and ugly for a while, but you cannot fix or hide (for long) stupid.  When asked about Hamas hiding rockets inside school buildings, hospitals and other civilian structures, the world’s smartest woman explained:

"I'm not a military planner but Hamas puts it's missiles, it's rockets in civilian areas, part of it is Gaza is pretty small and its densely populated."  

Yeah, America’s most popular enabler of rape, groping and all manner of sexual assault by her alley cat of an old man Billy boy Billbo Clinton, the Shrilldabeast herself thinks it’s OK to violate the law of war because, well, there just aren’t any better option.  This stupid, brain damaged, ugly, fat, old, battle ax thinks it’s OK for Islamo-Terror-Fascists to hide weapons of war in schools, hospitals and mosques irrespective of the fact that that strategy results in the very civilian casualties they are “wailing and wringing their hands” over and ignores the fact that the ITF are not supposed to possess the weapons in the first place.

When asked why drug dealers hide their stash in their children’s room, the old hag responded, “Well I’m not a drug runner anymore, but drug runners hide their stash in their children’s room in part because these apartments are pretty small.”

Yet, this murderously incompetent pimp remains the Demo-Dope front runner.  But really, what difference, at this point, does it make?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
During the 2004 election, grades at Yale between GWB and Kerry were a big issue. The dems wanted GWB's grades so bad. After the election it was found that Bush had a 77 average and Kerry a 76 average. Frenchy was dumber than GWB. OH NO! So when I hear Frenchy say," Let be clear..." I know what is to follow can only be understood by a meth head from Seattle. I suspect he takes all the buzzwords and just throws them into a verbal pile. Words like Egyptian Accords, children, medical supplies, equally mutual, converging processes by individual concerns, UN near resolutions, rockets, Shalom, PLO, donkeys delivering Heinz ketchup to schools, extraneous terrorist influences of bordering non-nations, and then the...Let Me Be Clear. No wonder everyone leaves the negotiating table strapping on explosive belts. Everyone thinks they are being flim-flammed when actually it is stupidity and arrogance melding into a verbal potluck of meandering nonsense. If you let someone ramble long enough they will tick you off. And Hillary's comments? I am sure Traitor Johnny K can explain. "Let me be clear, if one draws a comparison to the peaceful nature of the non-existent Swiss Navy, and working within confined locations, all home owners know you build up by adding more floors to hide your contraband. Next question".