Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Like everything else, The Empty Suit "didn't know" about the rise of JV team ISIS, blames poor intell

When the economy didn’t rebound after a trillion dollar stimulus bill, The Empty Suit blamed Bush.  When the shovel ready jobs that much of the stimulus money was supposed to be aimed at never appeared, The Empty Suit laughed it off.  After all what’s a trillion dollars?  When Eric the wad Holder got Brian Terry killed with a harebrained idea to give narco-terrorists guns, The Empty Suit claimed he read about in the papers, same with the NSA spying, same with the IRS scandal which latter brushed aside by claiming there’s wasn’t even a smidgen of corruption in the most corrupt of government agencies.  After six years and an irresponsible exit from Iraq The Empty Suit blames Bush for his decision to cut and run.  Now ISIS is on the rise lopping off heads at rate not seen since the French Revolution.  The Empty Suite blames the unopposed rise of ISIS on faulty intelligence. 

Like the rest of it, The Empty Suit is a liar.  A former intell whistleblower let it be know that that TES got daily briefings on the rise of ISIS far ahead of his stupid JV comment.  Even the smug Pentagon spokesman - wannbe Adm Kirby - admitted that the Pentagon was well aware of the growth and danger of ISIS for months.  So you’d have to believe that they knew about it but kept it from TES – not a likely scenario – or TES is lying.  Well if “you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan” is any indication, TES is a liar.

The reason nothing was done about ISIS in its infancy is that TES - despite what we’re told over and over again - isn’t that smart.  We were assured by the political talking class that TES was the smartest guy ever, but don’t ask for any transcripts to prove it.  So with the cover of the Dopes, the hipster Hollywood know nothings, and the MSM the myth of TES’s mental acumen persists with no evidence what-so-ever to back it up.   If you based your assessment on results, you’d have to come to the conclusion that he’s a blithering idiot.  But there’s more to it than just TES being a dumbazz, he doesn’t seem to care.  As long as whatever goes wrong can be blamed on someone else, as long as the Dopes, the hipsters and the MSM will continue to cover for him, as long as it doesn’t affect the golf schedule, he cannot be bothered?

We few have known this all along.  Just now others are awakening to the fact that TES isn’t up to this job or any other job that requires focus and the ability to do more than just dived the total number of players in your midnight basketball program by four so that you order enough pizza.  Hey this is the guy who over the Labor Day weekend said he’d join a union if he wanted a good job and decent wage.  Fine go to Detroit and join the UAW that’s worked out well for everyone involved.  But at least it’ll give the country a chance.  No.  Wait.  Stay where you are.  He don’t need America’s punk line, aka Slow Joe Biden running anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....
The approval rating for TES is at 39% according to Gallup. It continues dropping like Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. The problem with the random generating lie machine in the White House is that they are reaching the lie recycle point. Soon to be released from the Liar-in-Chief, is that the journalists were beheaded because of an anti-Muslim video. Also, that Obamacare allows ISIS to keep their doctors in the new healthcare plan. And sources are saying he will announce he did not know Gitmo was still open until he read it in the newspapers. Of course the compliant media has supported each claim/lie. The lie machine is surly much overworked and may not last two more years.