Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Random thoughts on Ferguson

There is absolutely no better way to honor the memory of a petty thief and thug like Mike Brown than to loot a liquor store when the grand jury refuses to indict the officer responsible for firing the fatal shots.  Nothing says you’re grieving like vandalism and stealing.

Lucky thing no Koreans had set up business in Ferguson.  As I recall from the Rodney King riots, the Koreans successfully protected their property and livelihoods with guns.

El Presidente The Empty Suit told America that people of color “aren’t making this up,” referring to police misconduct in their neighborhoods.  Well in the case of Mike Brown TES, they certainly were making it up.  Brown was said to have been shot in the back.  He wasn’t.  Brown was said to have had his hands up when shot.  They weren’t.  The make believe story was told so often that it became the meme for the rent-a-mob crowd, “Hands up. Don’t shoot.”  We now know that it was all made up BS.

I noticed a lot of the Guy Fawkes masks in the rent-a-mob.  Shouldn’t the rioters have been beating the hell out that preppy looking honky?

Passion and compassion for Mike Brown will have an exact correlation to the temperature and the number of stores left to be looted.  The lower those numbers go so will the need for the rent-a-mob’s presence in Ferguson

Did the rioters just create one of Moochie Moochelle’s famous “food desserts” in Ferguson?  Why yes I believe they did.  Some poor mom is going to wake up and find she has to travel a much greater distance now to get bread and milk.  It’s all the cop’s fault, of course.

Cops did seem to be overly concerned with stopping damage to public buildings while the rest of Ferguson burned.  I don’t know if that was a result of Mayor Slay’s pre agreement with rioters or because of lack of resources.  Either way, that part of Ferguson will be a ghost town for decades.  That hurts who?

If you were thinking about turning in your gun at the next gun buy back, you might take a look at the pictures and rethink that.

The prosecutor did an outstanding job laying out the case and decision process of the GJ.  None of it made a speck of difference to the rent-a-mob.

Many have criticized the late announcement of the GJ’s decision.  Why wait until so late.  Aren’t you just inviting trouble by waiting until after dark?  Here’s my take;  The announcement of the GJ’s decision was delayed until 8pm local to let descent people get off the streets.  Cops didn’t need to be worrying about innocents getting caught in the crossfire or taken hostage when the rent-a-mob descended on the liquor store.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
Two thoughts: 1)What happens tonight, tomorrow night, and the weekend in Ferguson and elsewhere and how is the media reporting it? 2) Are the media prowling the US for the next possible "Cop Kills Black" to get it immediately on the news while all is still boiling?
There is a chance that this is the beginning of something much bigger and the media could play a big part in it. We have a four day weekend coming. Three things needed for a fire, and the media is the oxygen. .