Monday, December 18, 2017

Lex tackles the riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma - women

First, Special needs Council Boob Muller has swept up all of PDJT’s transition team’s 10,000 or so e-mails.  PDJT’s lawyers are calling foul.  I have no doubt that the e-mails, produced on government computers, are government property.  I do doubt such a broad collection of the transition team’s e-mail is legal.  Does Boob really need the guy’s e-mail who was working on office color coordination?  No.  I don’t think so.

Using Boob logic he can collect up all the e-mails of his homosexual lover who works scrubbing toilets in the DoJ because they are government property.  Seems to me there ought to be some sort law requiring probable cause before creeps like Muller can sweep up a person’s correspondence – government owned or not.  Wait.  There is law, the 4th Amendment.

This is exactly why Shrillda the Hutt broke the law by using her private server and illegally destroying 30,000 e-mails the lion’s share I suspect were government property.  Break the law and walk – if you’re a Dope.  Follow the law and be harassed – if you’re a Republican.

Now onto other stuff I don’t know much about.

I think something diabolical happened in America starting about 40 years ago.  That diabolical scheme was the women’s liberation movement. 

Somehow this movement convinced a rather large percentage of American women that they were just as good as men.  That was a disaster for women, because as any thinking woman or man knows women have always been better than men in the things that count the most.

There’s an old adage about the man-woman relationship particularly with regard to marriage.  It says: A man marries help.  A woman marries more work.  Barring a disability with the woman, that adage is true in just about every relationship that comes to my mind. When you throw in rearing children, the scale tips in way that men can never catch up, even if they wanted to – which they don’t, with the woman’s work load.

The diabolical nature of the women’s movement went further than just dragging women down to men’s level.  It convinced that large percentage of women who bought into it that they actually needed to lower themselves by replacing men in the work force, politics, entertainment etc.

The plan is working marvelously.  Society, contrary to every bit of logic, common sense, and 2,000 years of human experience, has deemed women to be as fit as men for hand-to-hand combat in US infantry units.  You’ve come a long way baby.  But, sadly, it’s been a long downward spiral.

But it gets worse.  The woman that lowers herself to acting like a man is heralded as the new example of true womanhood.  They and they alone are the brave examples of what a woman should strive for. Take over the boardroom!  Lead men into combat! Run for president!  Use the men’s rest rooms!  It seems in the woman’s lib crowd that if a woman is not disrupting a man’s world in some way, she cannot truly be called woman.

But don’t think it cannot get worse yet.  It does.  Not only does the movement demand that only women who lower themselves by acting like men be heralded as feminist, they actually deride the women who won’t take that route.

The women’s movement, like so many Lefty Lib movements, demands perfect lockstep.  So if you’re a feminist who opposes abortion for religious reasons, you’re anti-woman on two counts, religion and supporting life for the unborn.  If you support the feminist movement in the sense that you support equal pay and opportunity for women in the workforce, but you decide to stay home to raise children, you’re a traitor. If you’re a woman that happens to think biology and commonsense rule out women kicking down doors in Fallujah, why you’re no better than the version of Al Franken caught in that now famous groping photo. In short you are either ALL IN or you’re out.

And what is the net result of the ironical move of women acting like men – the same species that they deride and ridicule?  Well more humans than ever are acting like men.  Entire family lines and cultures are dying off as women chose not to interrupt a lucrative career to bear the 3 children that demographics tell us are necessary for a family line and a culture to survive. 

And it’s not just families and the culture literally dying off, what remains of the culture is coarser.  Turn on the TV or pop music or stand outside a school yard and listen to language and content.  It’s pretty much disgusting and the women join right in with the boys.     

Ours is now a culture that heralds women for being single moms.  Not single moms because they are widowed, but rather they heralded for being single moms due to divorce or not being interested in the marrying the father of their children in the first place.  There are also women who get pregnant by the accidents of life and are left to fend for themselves.

Anyway, nothing is more heralded these days in a political or social discussion than the single mom.  That’s alright I suppose, but if anyone were to stop and think to juxtapose the burden of being a single dad against that of being a single mom, I think the scale for sympathy tips heavily in favor of the man. 

Why?  Well it’s because of the point this long post is trying to make, women are better than men in the things that count the most.  If something needs to be broken, built, lifted, shot, fixed, hauled, killed, knocked down, pushed, climbed, beaten, dragged, hoisted, blown up, yelled at, cussed out, derided, humiliated, blocked, tackled, caught, trapped, etc. call a man.

For all of the important stuff, call a woman.

I think the women’s movement is like BIG GOVERNMENT as opposed to no government.  Somewhere in between lies the perfect medium. IMHO the organized women’s movement, led almost exclusively by leftist lunatics, has managed to swing the pendulum well past center.

Can we recover?  Not in my lifetime. None of us like to think of ourselves as average.  Sadly in most every endeavor, 80 plus percent of us are exactly that.  Life and the bell curve tells us so.  There are 10% clearly better than us, and another 10% not up to our own ability.  As coping mechanism I suppose, we tend to think of the other guy as average and that we’re somehow just above or even well-above the average. 

Society is tending to tell males, particularly white Christian males, that they as a group comprise the lower end of the bell curve.  That’s crazy.  But it’s what is happening.

Meanwhile any woman doing anything traditionally done by males is the smartest and best ever simply by virtue of being a woman. 

I’m not saying that there are not outliers at either end of the spectrum.  Of course there are great women who excelled in a man’s world and men who FUBARed it. I’m just saying lugging an 80 pound pack through the dessert on a two week field op in 100 degree heat is not an optimal scenario for the biological set up of the average woman.  To place any woman who can manage the feat on pedestal while lampooning the stay-at-home mom of 3 is societal suicide.

Take Shrillda the Hutt, please, she is the ugly face of feminism in America.  She once quipped that she didn’t stay home and bake cookies.  Can anyone but an idiot dispute that we’d all be better off if she had? 

The death blow for society is that feminist have convinced too many women that doing men’s work is more important than doing women’s work.  Nothing can be further from the truth and more important to debunk for cultural and societal survival.  But is it too late? 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

There are groups that believe men needed derided, belittled, made the villians, in order to advance feminine causes. To Lex's point, can men be great and women a little greater? Most men would go for that.
About 40 or so years ago while entering a building I opened and held open the door for the person behind me. She informed me she was capable of opening her own doors. So I stepped in the doorway ahead of her and let the door close behind me. I waited for my Virgina ancestors to come out the ground to get me for my rudeness. Common decency, respect, and politeness work both ways. Calling me an SOB, without good cause, does not generate empathy from me. I wonder whatever happened to the door woman.