Monday, December 11, 2017

PDJT is blessed with having d-bags for enemies

After the raft load of inaccurate reporting from the MSM, (Yeah, I know.  What’s new?) some MSM azzbag defended the reporting by saying, “Hey, everyone makes mistakes.”  He obviously thinks we’re all idiots.  These are not “mistakes.”  You know how I know these are not “mistakes”?  Because all the mistakes, every last of one of them, error in one direction, to make PDJT look bad. 

If these were truly mistakes, they’d tend to even out like bad calls in a football game.  From the fake news story about PDJT removing MLK’s bust from the Oval Office a day after his inauguration to the latest PDJT had the keys to WikiLeaks hack of the DNC, every single “mistake” the MSM has made is to make PGJT look bad.   That’s not a mistake. That’s collusion.

Bottom line:  It’s no accident or “mistake” that every single story that turns out to be BS is detrimental to PDJT. 

The good news is that when the MSM puts out fake news and is caught, it’s like the crooked FBI agent running both the Shrillda the Hutt and PDJT investigations being outed as a crooked as hell partisan. It actually taints PDJT’s opponents and redounds to the benefits of their target.

Now the d-bag MSM is rejoicing because the White House Communications Director, Hope Hicks, has been hauled before the Special A-hole, Boob Muller. The MSM is giddy because they believe the investigation is getting closer to the Oval Office and “noose is tightening around PDJT.”  

The alternative to that theory is that the investigation winding up.  I learned from a tv talking head, as the investigation gets closer to the Oval Office, with no proof of collusion, then the investigation is winding up because, there is nowhere for the investigation to go after the White House.

I learned from these infallible wizards who talk on tv, the old investigative technique is to get the low hanging fruit to turn on the higher ups.  The higher the investigation gets up the food chain without results means there is no there there.

Proof the MSM is purposefully crooked
If you can stand it, watch this PMSNBC news clip to the end when Andrea Mitchell offers the on-scene reporter some advice: Just ignore all that’s going on around you.   YGBSM. 

That’s the EXCT opposite of what a reporter is supposed to do. They are supposed to “take in” all that’s going on around them and, report it acurately to those of us who are not there.

Is Andrea Mitchell that stupid?  Probably.  But the real news here is that she’s telling a reporter to ignore things going on around him because it does not comport to the leftist agenda. 

A real reporter might have turned around and asked the guy why he supports Moore.    

Army/Navy Game
Army won the game.  Navy won the battle of the signs.  The Middies trolled the Cadets in grand style as Commie sympathizers*.

NOTE: Who is running the Army’s investigation into 2nd Lt. Rapone?  Obviously Inspector Clouseau is supervising Chief Clancy Wiggum to get to the bottom of Rapone’s commie leanings. 

There are pictures of the d-bag supporting communism while in uniform.  Arrest him Chief Wiggum.  “I dunno Lex.  Anyone that openly pro commie is hiding something.  How do we know that the guy in the picture is not a Rapone doppelganger?  How do we know that the Che t-shirt and the ‘commies will win’ sign are not part of some elaborate ‘opposite day’ at the Military Academy?  How do we know that Rapone doesn’t have a Gadsden Flag t-shirt on under the Che t-shirt?  I tell you Lex this case is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”  Chief, no it’s not. He’s a commie sympathizer.  Kick him out of the Army and make him repay the taxpayers for the education he received at the Military Academy.

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