Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Governors not ordering business to open or shoppers to shop

For all the hoopla proclaiming a “lock down” or house arrest type “stay at home” orders, we’ve been living under anything but for over 40 days.  The Kroger, Walmart, Lowe’s, CVC, Walgreen, fast food drive throughs have been packed.  Truckers, Amazon and USPS have been moving record amounts of goods and public services continue uninterrupted.

Now governors are contemplating relaxing some restrictions to their draconian and extra constitutional “stay at home” orders. Predictably, the left is worried we’re moving too fast because the resultant rebounding economy will redound to PDJT’s favor or someone might get sick or die.  The timid souls insist all economic activity must stop until after the election or at least until the economy is so crippled it cannot help Trump.

My simple question to the “shut it down until no one is at risk or we all die in place” crowd is, how can it be safe for Kroger to operate but unsafe for say, a dog groomer, to reopen using the exact same protocols in place at the Kroger?  The customer comes with face mask in place, drops Rover off at the door to the groomer wearing a face mask, returns to pay at the door with a credit card and then is reunited with a clean and trim Rover?

Also, any relaxation of rules is not an order that entrepreneurs must open their doors any more than it’s an order that the public must patronize opening shops.  Last, the governor is not ordering the most vulnerable among us - i.e. people age 65 and older with underlying health issues – out of the safety of their homes.  Responsible people are capable of making these decisions on their own.  The Nervous Nellies can continue to hide under the bed and wait for their government minders to pay their rent and bring them food while the rest of us get on with life. 

Today's JG rant: Biden China's stooge

In his Apr 27, 2020 letter “Quarantine reading list reveals buried insights” Ron Flickinger claims to have read “The Manchurian Candidate.”  I doubt it.  If he did, because he foolishly equates PDJT to that candidate, he was too foggy of mind to comprehend Congdon’s convoluted plot.  At its center was the son of a prominent U.S. political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy.

PDJT’s very first venture into the world of politics was in 2015 when he announced his bid for the presidency.  By contrast, his likely 2020 opponent, the lying, thieving, plagiarizing, senile, doddering, old fool who is a suspected pedophile and sexual predator, Joe Biden, began his political career in 1969 and despite being wrong on every major issue since rose to become Obama’s Vice President. 

PDJT and his children all earned their wealth before PDJT entered politics.  By contrast idiot Biden and his worthless, no talent, drug addicted, other than honorably discharged, deadbeat dad of a son got wealthy by parlaying a supercilious buffoon’s political office into cash deals.

Flickiger’s blind bias or ignorance makes it impossible for him consider that PDJT has been warning America of an emerging China for a decade before he ever ran for office.  It was PDJT who made it a key promise in his campaign to reign in China’s unsustainable trade deficits.  It was PDJT who imposed crippling tariffs on Chinese goods coming into the country in order to get favorable trade deal.  It was PDJT who suspended travel from China on Jan 31 and rightly named the Chinese Virus what it is – a Chinese Virus.  It is PDJT vowing to investigate the Communist Chinese Party government and hold them responsible for their negligence in the spread of the Wuhan Virus.

By contrast the witless Chinese stooge, Joe Biden, has been protecting his family’s miss gotten fortunes by apologizing for the ruthless, godless corrupt as hell communist Chinese government for years.  When PDJT issued his life-saving executive order suspending incoming flights from China, the clueless Biden accused him of being a xenophobic racist.  Just last summer Biden would have had us believe, “[the Chinese are] not bad folks, folks. But guess what, they’re not competition for us.”

Then there’s this from the Democrat’s favorite jug-eared dope and his ignoramus of a vice president, the only person in America capable of making the dope look smart by comparison.  In 2014 Obama boasted that his new outreach initiatives with the communist Chinese would “help affected countries to strengthen capacity-building on health and epidemic prevention so as to place the epidemic under control as soon as possible.”  Then in 2015 the inept Obama team sent 3.7 million dollars to the exact Wuhan lab credibly suspected of releasing the virus on the world.  It’s weird.  It turns out Obama/Biden paid the Chinese to develop the virus that would destroy our economy.  And you thought the Iran deal was BS.

Given the facts, there are several explanations for Flickinger’s dopey letter.  He didn’t read the book.  He couldn’t follow the plot.  He doesn’t know what the word “Manchurian” means.  He thinks everyone is as dumb as the points contained his letter and will simply accept the senseless hogwash contained therein.

Another possibility, and it’s not too farfetched, is that the JG’s real audience for the daily anti-Trump/America diatribes is not anyone with a functioning brain.  Instead, the JG publishes poorly thought through rubbish like Flickinger’s to sate the appetite of anti-Trump/America haters and a vital Democrat voting mainstay – angry, braindead, morons suffering from extreme cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome.       

Quarantine reading list reveals buried insights
Being “sheltered in place” means time weighs heavy on one's hands. But it's actually a great opportunity to get those things done that in normal times one would say, “When I get around to it.”
I got around to doing an in-depth inventory of my home library and, lo and behold, I found 12 books I either couldn't remember reading or that I haven't read for a long tiime. Consequently, I find myself strangely content with all this time on my hands. It was like finding some old friends.
I just finished two of my previously read books and found a couple of things: First, my reading continues to affirm author Jessamyn West's adage that “fiction reveals truth that reality obscures” and second, that reading stuff published in 1959 and 1965 reflects human behavior exhibited in 2020.
Who does the following sound like? Fill in the blanks with a 2020 national political leader(s).
From “The Manchurian Candidate” (1959) by Richard Congdon come these two descriptions of a national political leader: 1) “is a man who shall forever stand guard at the door of the mind to protect the people of this great nation from facts.” And 2) “_ puts the finishing touches on his sabotage of the morale of American scientists to the enormous net gain of those who work against the interests of the United States.” I can think of more than one name (actually four from Indiana alone and one from New York) who might fit both descriptions.
Then Fletcher Knebel, in “Night of Camp David” (1965) has a retired four-star general state a sobering fact about the structure of the American political system when he says: “Nobody — but nobody in this country can tell a president of the United States that his mind is sick.” Ain't that the truth?
Ron Flickinger 

Fort Wayne    

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Every president since Reagan has been argued to be The Manchurian Candidate. In 2008 The World Net Daily went on about Barak Obama being The Muslim Manchurian Candidate. Here is news for Ron Flickinger. The next president will be accused of the same. Ron can then claim to just be pursuing old books again in 2024 when he spontaneously finds the book again! I don't believe the story of swerving into the book. Sounds like a brain washing attempt on us Ron.