Monday, April 27, 2020

Today's JG rant: Liars or ignorant fools?

When I read the JG letters page I resist calling any of the lefty lib writers “liars,” because I don’t if what they write are outright lies or simply the poor product of a mind formed by a public education system that libs have destroyed over the last 30 years that can be summed up in this truism – “idiots, teaching idiots, how to be idiots.”  

Since I don’t know that David Sowards (Pandemic reflects collapse of Trump presidency, Apr 25, 20202) is a liar, damn liar or a miserable damn liar, the charitable thing to do is just assume he’s just a product of a lefty lib education system that has left him a totally uninformed colossal ignoramus.

In the midst of a pandemic loosed on the world by Chinese negligence that threatens to result in a world-wide recession/depression, commie loving Sowards wants to lay the blame of a tanking US economy at the feet of the American president.

But his buffoonery doesn’t stop there.  Sowards makes it up when he writes that Trump is laying the blame for the pandemic on Democrats and Obama.  Produce a quote, Dave.  I’ll wait.  Trump has correctly laid the blame exactly where it belongs – the communist Chinese government.  When he did, commie loving boobs claimed that stating the truth about the Wuhan virus was racist.  The only blame Trump laid at the feet of the inept Obama administration was their failure to restock PPE supplies after the H1N1 outbreak. A fair question for whining hypocrites like Sowards would be, “You’ve had three years, why didn’t your administration restock?”

When a buffoon gets on a roll it’s hard to stop.  Sowards then repeats debunked BS.  First he tries to breathe life into the long debunked nonsense that Trump called the Chinese Virus a hoax.  Never happened.  Provide a quote, Dave.  I’ll wait.  Trump called the Democrat response to communist Chinese Virus a hoax.

One line of BS by a buffoon on a roll is never enough.  Sowards tries his hand at propping up another load of MSM bovine excrement.  He claims Trump fired the entire pandemic response team.  Not true.  Trump didn’t fire anyone.  The head of the team quit when John Bolton joined the administration.  Bolt disbanded the rest of the team that was formed to fight the Ebloa crisis and like all federal programs refused to die when its mission went away.

Then ignorance gave way to hyperbole.  Sowards claims Trump did everything possible to sabotage our preparedness.  Gee, I must have missed when Trump took a sledgehammer to ventilators in the Rose Garden and dumped loads PPE into the Potomac. 

Ever the uninformed one, Sowards claims Trump is encouraging the use of untested and possibly unsafe treatments.  I suppose that is a reference to the president’s hope that Hydroxychloroquine might provide relief to people suffering from the Wuhan Virus.  Totally inaccurate.  The drug has been on the market for decades.  It has been thoroughly tested and been proven safe for use in humans.  It is widely prescribed for other ailments and has shown promise for patients suffering from the Chinese Virus.  Sowards apparently is rooting for the virus and prefers that people suffer rather than Trump be proven correct on the benefits of the drug. 

Sowards may not be liar but he’s perfectly comfortable repeating other people’s lie.  Trump does not have a direct financial interest in any company producing Hydroxychloroquine.  He has an interest in a mutual fund that includes a small interest in French producer of the drug.  His total financial interest has been estimated to be somewhere between $29 and slightly over $1,000.

So root for America and reject the commie lovers rooting for the virus, which sadly includes many contributors to this page.  Note that Democrats have again settled on a China loving, senile, doddering, old fool of a legacy candidate who started feeding himself and his worthless, no talent, drug addicted, other than honorably discharged, deadbeat dad of a son at the public in 1974.              

Saturday, April 25, 2020 1:00 am
Pandemic reflects collapse of Trump presidency
For years, President Donald Trump liked to take credit for the strong economy. Shouldn't he now take the blame for the collapse and crash of the stock market and economy?
What would it take for Trump supporters to renounce their support for him? Losing a job? Losing the house? Losing the car? Losing property? Losing their savings and investments? Losing a business? Losing their family during this crisis? What would it take to show them that ever supporting Trump was a mistake?
Trump is not interested in dealing with a crisis such as this. He likes to play the blame game, even blaming the pandemic on the Democrats and Barack Obama.
The truth is that Trump himself left the country unprepared for this situation by supporting cutting funds for services and supplies that may have helped. He called the coronavirus a hoax and tried to downplay or ignore the looming crisis while playing golf. In 2018, he fired the entire pandemic response team.
He did everything possible to sabotage our preparedness. He even encouraged the use of untested and possibly unsafe treatments for coronavirus in which he had a financial interest. It's just like him to try to make a buck out of this situation.
So, as millions file for unemployment and bankruptcy, reject Trump and all who have supported him at the polls. His presidency has been a disaster and we can do better with the Democrats.
David Sowards
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Today's Lex post and last Friday's posts provide more evidence that Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real malady. I suggest test kits be developed to test for TDS. The JG building is a likely hotspot. A medical doctor should put on a MAGA hat, enter the JG building and look for the TDS. It is likely rampant with it and needs addressed.