Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Dan Rather is stepping down at C-B(ull)S(#@*). Who cares? Besides Mrs. Whitley’s cat, for whom the TV set is always left on, who’s watching Dan? In the three man race between evening news readers, Dan has been a distant third for over a decade. He’s dead last in a three man race of networks hemorrhaging viewers like a hemophiliac packaging razor blades at the Gillette factory.

Oddly, Rather is stepping down as the C- BS news reader but staying on at 60 Minutes where he aired obviously fake documents produced by deranged Democrat wacko Bill Burkett. Excuse me but this like an airline pilot who also collects the passengers’ tickets, being forced to stop collecting tickets after he lands at the wrong airport…5 or 6 times. Maybe the guy is better suited to collect tickets than find the right airport. In Dan’s case, maybe he’s better suited to read the news for a ½ hour on weekdays when nobody’s listening than find the truth.

Even after the documents were demonstrated to be fakes by any reasonable standard, Dan stood by the story. He made the “rather” foolish argument that even if the papers were fakes, what they alleged was true. Sort of like the fake letter that has turned up from Dan’s mom that says he has always been a pompous, lying, airhead…right? No such letter exists but the allegations are true.

Even Bill O’Reilly has come to Dan’s defense. O’Reilly claims, “There is no way on this Earth that [Rather] would have knowingly used fake documents on any story.” I don’t believe that, but let’s say it true. Why didn’t Dan interview the widow and the son of Lt Col Jerry Killian, both of whom disputed the story? Why didn’t C-BS include its own document experts, who said the documents were fakes, in the story? Why AFTER the documents were demonstrated to be fakes did Dan rush out to interview Killian’s 86 year old former secretary Marian Carr Knox in an effort to prop up the story? Why hasn’t C-BS and Dan to this day admitted that the story is about as believable as an overweight old man in a red suite with flying reindeer sliding down every chimney in the world on one night to deliver presents to kids?

No, Dan knew the story was crap when he went to air with it. When he got exposed as the BS artist that he is, he tried desperately to save himself. But the truth, as it often is, was overwhelming. Why O’Reilly feels the need to condemn the people who exposed the fraud is puzzling. More puzzling is this little tidbit from O’Reilly, “Unfair freedom of speech did [Rather] in. This is not your grandfather's country anymore.” So we have a guy that tries to perpetrate a fraud on the American people using one of the three major networks and when he gets exposed it’s “unfair freedom of speech”. Think about that one for minute, “unfair freedom of speech”?? Very odd!

You’re right about one thing though Bill, this isn’t grandpa’s America anymore. In grandpa’s day Rather, his producer, writers and anyone who had seen or even heard of this crude and obvious fraud would have been immediately sacked with great fanfare and public humiliation. Only in today’s America is it a given and accepted fact that “news organizations” are in the tank for the Democrat party. In grandpa’s day there was at least an appearance of objectivity.

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