Monday, November 01, 2004


I see on Drudge that Michael Moore sound alike Osama bin Laden (not quite as dead as I had thought and hoped) has said that he will only target red states after the election. That’s right. Taking the idea from The Guardian no doubt, Osama wants to influence our election his campaign slogan, “Don’t vote red or you’ll be dead”. Oh sure, voters can take the word of mad man Osama that he won’t hurt them if the state just votes Kerry. Well given Kerry’s record of appeasement, Kerry would probably cede those unimportant square red states to Osama as a gesture of good faith and peace in our time. Only one problem with the whole scenario, think about 9-11. Where did we get hit - NY, Washington DC and Pennsylvania. What do all of those places have in common? Class? Bueler? Anyone? That’s right boys and girls, they all went blue in 2000 by at least 4%. So, it’s pretty certain that Osama will target us where he can irrespective of how we vote.

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