Friday, September 09, 2005

Poverty Kills II: It's about control

Several hours after President Bush asked for an additional $51 BILLION and less than a day after Lex discussed how the government’s entitlement mentality hindered the evacuation before and recovery after Katrina, Scary Harry Reid announced what amounts to a lifetime of federal dependency for every man, woman and child who might have happened to have gotten damp when Katrina hit. This is the best example one could ask for to demonstrate the difference between Cons and Libs.

Cons are interested in personal control. Libs are interested in government control – gun control, price control, control of airport security (that’s worked well), control of everything it seems except our borders. Cons seek personal responsibility. Libs seek to pass responsibility onto the government. Everything that heretofore was a matter or personal responsibility is now the government’s problem. If you’re an alcoholic, it’s not your fault. Alcoholism is disease and the government will pay for your treatment. And the same is true of every other ailment that occurs from personal irresponsibility- everything from obesity and chain smoking to illegal drug use are declared diseases and the people inflicted are the victims. Since it’s a disease, it’s not your fault and the government will pay for your “recovery.” Cons raise armies of compassion to help the needy. Libs confiscate other people’s money, create a bloated bureaucracy, waste ten times the resources required for the problem, fail miserably in ministering to the needy then bitch about not having enough money. Two posts below Lex predicted that the Lib’s would advocate allocating still more funds to the governments that failed in the emergency in the first place. Well it didn’t take long, did it.

What some bright news organization ought to study are the affects an entitlement mentality had on the Katrina catastrophe. It won’t be hard to find people sitting around saying “we need…” fill in the blank. Juxtapose the people sitting around waiting for the government $2,000 against a man that has gotten out and found himself a job. Juxtapose a worst cases New Orleans single mother “victimized” by an irresponsible man/men and subsidized by an equally irresponsible government whose sole measure for compassion is how much of other people’s money it can throw at a problem against a married couple working two jobs who worked together to get themselves and their children out of harms way. Juxtapose the hell of those who depended on government in the Superdome against those who took it upon themselves to move to high ground. Juxtapose a gangsta man preying on the weak in the Superdome against a man who moved heaven and earth to get his family out.

Such a report will never be produced. Were it suburban whites descending into animal like behavior, it’d be front page news. “Greed leads to chaos” would scream the headlines. The story might read:

“Rich whites denied their maids, gardeners, satin sheets, cappuccino’s, double latte’s, Lexus automobiles and unlimited Blackberry use descended into chaos yesterday at the Superdome. The rich whites were lured into the Superdome with a promise of access to a lucrative IPO. But in an unfortunate turn of events whites were inadvertently trapped for several hours when the doors to the Superdome were all blocked by trucks delivering brie and white wine spritzers for the event. The crowd soon went crazy bumping into each other without so much as an ‘excuse me.’ One desperate white man was heard yelling from an open window, ‘Move the damn trucks.’ The teamsters, who moved the trucks in front of the exits, were on their bi-hourly two hour smoke break and responded by giving the hysterical white man the finger. Experts say this event is a clear indication that capitalism just isn’t working.”

Because what happened in the Superdome and New Orleans involves minorities raised by the government, the story of the vulgar criminal behavior goes largely unreported. Any news organization that investigates these events will point at everything except the real cause; racism – except New Orleans is 65-75% black run by a black mayor a black police and fire chief so that dog won’t hunt; poverty – as if being poor excuses rape, looting, murder and sitting on their poor butts in a crisis; education – except Libs will not allow the minorities a voucher to get out of their failed, filthy and dangerous schools nor will they hold the NEA to any standard. They will then report that the root cause of the animal like behavior was due to tax cuts and a lack of federal spending. They will then advocate reinforcing the failed programs that led to the problem in the first place.


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