Friday, October 14, 2005

Here's the deal

Laura Bush says sexism has raised its ugly head in the Harriet Miers nomination. She’s right. If Harriet were Harry Miers he’d still be shlubbing away unnoticed in the White House. Whatever else her qualifications, the important one is an XX chromosome pair.

The wise one, Arlan Specter, said he might call James Dobson before the Judiciary Committee to find out what Karl Rove told him in a telephone conversation. Dobson, if called, ought to tell the Joda of the Senate, “Senator it’s none of your business what I talk about to anyone. I am a private citizen of this country. I am under no obligation to tell you or anyone else about my private conversations. By the way senator, I heard that your wife and Ms. Miers once spoke at luncheon, what did they talk about?” To which Specter is likely to reply, "Tell us you must, if confirm her we will." Specter is a Lib who holds in himself in higher esteem than anyone else. He may look like Joda but that's as far it goes.

The Smurfs were wiped out by UNICEF this week. That’s right. The loveable little blue guys got the Smurf bombed out of them during an air raid in a cartoon designed for adults. The point was: War hurts the children. Holy Smurf! Ya gotta be Smurfing me. No kidding. I never knew. I wonder why the Smurfs were victims of an air raid? Why not show the happy Smurf children loading onto a school bus when Suicide Smurf blows them all up? How about al Qaida Smurf chopping off Poppa Smurf’s head in grainy home video? Needles to say, I won’t be looking for pennies for the UNICEF cups this Halloween.

Staging or common sense
President Bush staged his presser with the troops yesterday. Or that’s what the dopes in the MSM would have you believe. Reading the entire text of the event I could not discern where exactly it was that anyone told anyone what to say. It was more a question of who was going to answer a certain question and who would hand the microphone to whom. The MSM would have us believe that the president’s handlers were there scripting the whole thing and running it like a puppet show. And the puppets of course were our troops – who the MSM proclaim at every opportunity that they support and respect. But the MSM has such a low regard for our troops that they portray them as dupes and props for the president incapable of being, at the same time, informed and supportive of their Commander in Chief. The MSM expects a Mayor Nagin approach to these things - no coordination or preparation, blame someone else when it falls apart. The idea that someone would show up five minutes early to tell the troops what to expect is “staging” to the MSM. It’s common sense to the rest of us. News FLASH to MSM! I’ll bet someone was telling the president what to expect as well.

Iraqis Vote
Either way the Iraqis win. Either way the MSM will portray the vote as a loss. CNN has already set up a strawman that says the worst possible outcome would be narrow victory. Huh?

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