Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The national discussion on race relations

In his book My Lie – The life and times of a narcissistic dope, Bill Clinton notes that one of his biggest regrets was the unfinished work he left after two terms as president - the things that time just never allowed him to get to. For instance, on his “to do list” right after diddeling the help, stealing everything not nailed down in the White House and ransacking Air Force One, things for which there was ample time, was the note, “hold a national discussion on race relation.” As America’s "first black president", Clinton was well situated for such a discussion. But alas cigars, bongos and bombing aspirin factories between Grand Jury testimony ate up all of his free time. Like all of the hard things on Clinton’s list, such as actually fighting a war on terror after declaring one, time just ran out on the national discussion on race relations.

Who the hell cares and what does that have to do with the events of the day? Well there are any number of things. First, there’s New Orleans. New Orleans was a city controlled for 60 years by the Democrat vote buying machine. Democrats, who could bus tens of thousands of black voters to the polls in two hours on election day, couldn’t bus them to higher ground in front of a deadly hurricane moving at 12 miles an hour for a week. After the hurricane, pictures of black faces, weather looting or in dire straights at the Superdome, filled the TV news coverage. CNN reported that the looting was necessary do to the federal government’s indifference toward poor black people. Yeah, food and water maybe, but what does one need with two TVs in city with no power? Who cares - it’s all whitey’s fault. Black mayor, police and fire chief, Democrat control for 60 years, New Orleans should have been show place for liberal results. And it is, poverty, slums, poor schools, lack of civil control, corruption etc. etc.

Next, Bill Bennett tries to hold a philosophical discussion on black crime. His words are taken out of context, twisted and played over and over by clueless, mean spirited Lib MSM in an effort to smear Mr. Bennett as a racist. Too bad the entire transcript was available for anyone curious enough to look into the matter. The end result, for all but those earning a living as a race baiter, was an exoneration of Bennett and further proof that the MSM cannot be trusted on anything important.

Then there is Toledo, Ohio. Who to root for in that one? It’s like watching a fist fight between Al Franken and Michael Moore. You just hope they beat the crap out of each other for hours. So the Nazis show up in Toledo to protest black gangs. The black gangs get irritated and riot burning down some guys home and place of business, after looting it of course. Wouldn’t it have been nice if these two groups just met in ally somewhere and fought to the death? Instead TV dopes blame the mayor for allowing an exercise of free speech. “Why, that rally should never have been allowed to happen. There’s too much free speech going on in Toledo.” The black mayor got it right when he told rioters, “You have given them exactly what they wanted.” What should have happened was that the pointy headed Nazis walked down empty streets guarded by police while descent people gathered in a different part of town for a music and arts and craft show.

Last, the NBA has established a dress code that some players call racist. Hmm. Why is that? NBA owners pay millions upon millions of dollars to the players. Is it too much to ask that players show up to work looking like basketball players instead of extras from some M TV hip hop video? Why is it racist instead of business? Because we have been conditioned to believe that when something does not go our way, there has to be some nefarious reason for it. When whitey doesn’t get the job, it’s not because he’s a 50 something drunk with a checkered employment record. It’s because of affirmative action. If blacky gets canned, it’s not because he can’t get to work on time two days in row. It’s because the boss is a racist. The simplest reason is usually the correct one. I find it hard to believe that basketball execs got together to devise some racist dress code. It’s business. It’s their money. If the players don’t like it, they can quit. There will be no player mass exodus from the hardwoods.

Yeah, it’s too bad Bill Clinton was so “busy” that he never got to that national discussion on race relations.

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