Monday, October 24, 2005

Table set for Conservative mid-term victory

As Patrick Fitzgerald readies his indictments it’s good to know that we all be coming together. Why would we all be coming together over the indictment of some government officials? Well, we know that the Libs and Dems hate these things right? Why else would James Carville have declared war on Mr. Fitzgerald? Why would a whole host of other Libs and Dems be assailing the cost and time Mr. Fitzgerald has spent investigating a crime that never occurred? Why would George Soros have founded the new group Let’s Move on again? WWWHAAAT!? You say none of that has happened. Well then Rep and Con partisans certainly have done it right? NO!? How can this be?

Well, I’ll tell you how it can be. Conservatives are conservative first, Reps second.* If someone in the White House has done wrong, they need to go. If Libs and Dems are using prosecutors’ offices to run phony baloney indictments against Rep leadership then the new media will expose them.

I worry more about guys in the Vice President’s office, a true Conservative, than I do about anyone associated with the Oval Office. Maybe a good house cleaning of the president’s third way, compassionate conservative, “new toners” will provide an opportunity for W to bring in some in your face, rock ribbed Conservatives. One thing we know about Bush, he won’t wilt under pressure. He is still standing after five years of vicious attacks from Libs, Dems, the MSM and of late his own Con base.

That is why Cons have let this whole thing play out. We remain more curious than angry about the process. We are happy to let the chips fall where they may. Libs and Dems can be counted on to overplay their hand at every turn and impale themselves on their advantages. It is a function of their negative worldview and their negative view of America. Sooner or later candidates have to explain what they are for. And Dems are for higher taxes, quitting the war on terror, gay marriage, limiting the first amendment with regard to religious and political speech, pretending the second amendment doesn’t exist, higher fuel prices based on taxes, government funding for partial birth abortion of young girls without parental notification, environmental rights over property rights etc. etc.

Conservatives should not be considering suicide or withdrawal from the mid-term process. The table is set for another victory. The only danger is Conservatives running away from who they are or trying the third way, “Really, we’re not as bad you think” approach. Con candidates that run hard drawing stark contrasts between Con and Lib ideals will win. Third way, compassionate conservatives will lose.

The Griffin offers hope. The Griffin sends: “The elections of 2006 will be fun to watch. The libs think they have GWB on the run. Hasn't he always been misunderestimated? The GOP will hold their majority in both houses. GWB may get scratched but the libs will be suicidal...again.”

* (Remember Spector, Hagle, McCain, Snow, Collins, Chaffee, the two dopes from Ohio, crybaby Voinavich and Littleman DeWine all call themselves Republicans. The best way for one these “Republicans” to get on a Sunday morning talk show is to join three other Libs bashing the president, who is more like them than a Conservative. But you can’t get face time on network TV by agreeing with the President. Even real Conservative don’t get on unless they disagree with a particular policy.)


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