Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Success in Iraq? Damn! Get that Rove story ready.

I knew that the Iraq elections were going well and the Tom Delay indictment wasn’t when CNN kept leading every hour Saturday with the likelihood that Karl Rove was going to be indicted. Then on Sunday the media template was set. Before offering uninformed opinions on the Plame investigation, talking heads opined on the Iraq elections. “Well yes we had these election but they don’t really mean anything.” “The Constitution is receipt for civil war.” “This vote isn’t the important one. The really important vote will be in December.” “The vote will only encourage the insurgents.” And on and on

It is hard to understand how the MSM thinks. A good news story emerges in Iraq. Yet the MSM - when it reports - cannot help but portray the events as insignificant or worse. We all know what the coverage would have been like had bombs been exploding at polling places all over Iraq. The sad thing is that the MSM’s approach was predicted two posts below on Friday. Anyone with half a brain knew the MSM would never hail the elections as progress. The good news in Iraq had to be pushed aside, minimized, ignored and bastardized by the MSM. “There’s good news in Iraq. Damn! Not on our news show. Get that Rove piece ready.”

The more I see of the MSM in action, the more I’m convinced that they would be quite happy to see America fail in Iraq. Their happiness in failure is rooted in a loathing of America. It is their mindset that America really did let black Americans die in New Orleans simply because they were black. Or that America is a force for evil in the world - that any problems that exist in this world are a result of America’s wealth and influence. But whatever loathing they have for America is dwarfed by their loathing of a president that see as a know nothing, hick, hayseed, cowboy, religious freak intent on destroying the world for oil profits. None will call them anti-American, treasonous bastards, but it is difficult to see how their behavior would be any different if they were.

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