Friday, August 17, 2007

Ilegals doing the murders Americans just won't do

Open borders fanatic Jerry Rivers (AKA Geraldo Rivera) is in high dudgeon over the latest murders, or as Newt Gingrich calls it “massacre,” of US citizens in New Jersey by illegal aliens. Jerry wants to know why, of all of the hundreds of murders in the Garden State, the only one to catch the media’s eye is the one where an illegal alien guns down three bright young people of color.

Well, Jerry the routine pop fly does not make the sports center top 10 plays of the day. Nobody notices the tan sedan driving the speed limit on the freeway. The MSM will not cover good news in America’s struggle for its very survival in the war on terror. Mom and dad don’t get upset when jr. brings home three As, two Bs and C in PhysEd on his report card. In other words Jerry, an ordinary murder (drug addicts shooting a drug dealer) in the murder capital of America is rather ho hum.

But an illegal alien out on bail on a 31 count indictment including child rape, who then guns down three college students, is a “man bites dog” story even in a blue state where murder happens to be the norm. So, as is the case in the typical Lib utopia, the Dem pols in New Jersey are now going after guns instead of the people who use them to gun down promising young people. Well Jerry, guns don’t kill people; illegal aliens out on 31 count indictments, including child rape, living in sanctuary cities, toting guns they have no right to carry kill people. And that’s what makes this sorry episode a story.

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