Monday, March 24, 2008

The Journal Gazette making excuses for Liberals since I've lived in Ft. Wayne

The local fish wrap aka the Daily Punctilio aka the Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette had a feature in the “Faith” section of their Sat edition. In it the Punctilio took up the issue of B-HO’s preacher - Rev Wright. Wright, you might recall, is the hate filled pastor who issued such healing Christian messages from his pulpit as G-D America, the white man invented AIDES to kill blacks, America got what she deserved on 9-11 and gave a lifetime achievement award to Louie Farrakhan.

So the Punctilio runs a feature on Sat with local reaction to Wright’s “preaching” and B-HO’s speech on race in response to that “preaching”. Do you think the Punctilio could find a single person to say, well I think Wright was a bit over the top? No. Hell no. Seven local pastor offered excuses for Wright and unending praise of B-HO for his speeech.

So I fired off the bit under this lead to the Punctilio editors. When I went to link Sat’s feature to this post, the Wright feature was gone from the Punctilio web page.

Was there a reader uprising? I doubt it. Everyone who gets the Punctilio has to know its slogan – propaganda first, news and balance if we can fit it in. So here’s the response to more Punctilio non-sense:

We often lament the fact that there are not enough “peace loving” Muslims condemning the activities of the “radical few.”

At the same time, here in America we were introduced to Barack Obama’s, whoa-is-me, anti-Semitic, hate-American, blame Whitey, love Louie Farrakhan fire-breathing “pastor.”

So while we “hope” for “peace loving” Muslims to pipe up and shout down the radical Muslim extremists, the JG goes out and finds local pastors who, like Obama, find it easier to give the bigoted Wright their tacit approval than to say, “Whatever other good Rev Wright has done, I reject his view of America, Jews and whites. If Wright truly believed his own rhetoric, why hasn’t he led a black exodus from America to the black promised land?”

Now, what if prominent Muslim clerics came out and made the same excuses for bin Laden that Obama and these pastors are making for Wright?

And don’t make the argument that, well bin Laden is trying to destroy the West in general and America in particular. Wright gave a lifetime achievement award to Louie Farrakhan who preaches that “America must burn.”

Don’t argue that Wright served as a Marine. Benedict Arnold served his country bravely, honorably and well right up to the point he betrayed her.

Don’t argue that Wright was taken out of context. Take a full page of this fish wrap and try to put G-D America, the US government spread AIDS to kill blacks, or America deserved 9-11 in to some kind of acceptable context. Try to put Louie Farrakhan into an acceptable context.

Don’t argue that it’s a black thing. Whitey just don’t understand. That in itself is racist baloney. I do understand. It’s called black liberation theology. The Catholic Church faced the same thing when communists tried to co-opt the church in South America. Pope John Paul II dispatched, then Cardinal, Ratzinger to straighten the bishops and monsignors of the region out. Who is being dispatched to straighten these pastors out?

Don’t argue that you cannot hang Wright’s words on Obama. Nobody is trying to do that. It is a question of judgment. Consider this, how could you and why would you sit there for TWENTY YEARS, if you weren’t taking the message on board? Why would you expose your children to that kind of anti-American, hate filled bigotry if you didn't believe it?

And if one of these preachers is going to argue that there “is reality in what Wright preaches”, why isn’t he leading the black exodus?

If I truly believed the place where I was living sucked so bad and the government was trying to kill me and my children, I’d pack it up and move. Hell, if I truly believed that, I’d probably not even take the time to pack it up. I’d just move.

The answer is simple. For all of her faults, America remains the best hope for self-reliant people who want to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

Doug Schumick
“Typical white person”
Ft. Wayne, In

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think of Trent Lott at Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party. Lott was crucified by the MSL. But not Rev Wright or Barak. Very strange. The Griffin.