Wednesday, June 11, 2008

B-HO 50% dope 50% liar

God gives Lex a few days off.
Lightening fried my modem Thurs. But we’re back. I know you’re Lex starved, so here we go.

Only an idiot or a liar would use these words to describe someone who doesn’t work them:

“They’re performing that job well. It’s a volunteer, unpaid position. And they’re giving me information, and I will then exercise judgment in terms of who I want to select as a vice presidential candidate. So these aren’t folks who are working for me, they’re not people who I have assigned to a particular job in a future administration.”

That’s the one and only B-HO explaining away the appointment of Jim Johnson to the Dem nominee's Veep selection committee. Turns out Johnson’s got a problem. He took some loans - $7 million worth - below market rate – ah would that make them sub-prime? – I believe it would - from Countrywide Financial Corp.

Well good for Johnson. Who cares? As long as he pays it back, it’s no big deal. Right? Well not exactly. Countrywide has been a favorite target of ol’ B-HO. He once called Countrywide “the people who are responsible for infecting the economy and helping to create a home foreclosure crisis.”

But that was then and this is now. B-HO’s a little less critical of Countrywide when one of his own is caught in the dealings or mis-dealings. So the gifted one tried to blab his way out of it. But alas, because there was no teleprompter or prepared text there, he ends up looking like an idiot or liar.

First off if they are “performing that job,” they work for you - a j-o-b being synonymous with w-o-r-k to most people. And as anyone who has ever worked for dad in the yard on Saturdays knows, it doesn’t make any difference if you’re paid or not. It is still work and we all know who’s the boss - on Saturday mornings it's dad and on B-HO’s Veep committee it’s B-HO. Well maybe, Rev Wright will take the blame, or Bill Ayers or Michelle. So for B-HO to say Johnson isn't working for him proves he's the dope Lex has been saying he is or damn liar. It's really hard to tell. With Clinton, we all knew he was lying. With ol' B-HO, being a dope has a 50-50 chance with being a liar. But hey, neither is good.

The way to explain away someone who doesn’t work for you is like this:

He doesn’t work for me. He provides no service or advice to me or anyone associated with me.

So is B-HO a new kind of politician? No he’s the same self-serving say anything do anything bag of excrement we’re used to. You can bet B-HO’s handlers are going to be telling him to keep his mouth shut if there is no teleprompter or script there.

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