Monday, June 30, 2008

B-HO needs to borrow a set

Wesley Clark is a low brow dope for disparaging McCain’s qualifications as Commander in Chief. Tom Harkin is low down dope for suggesting McCain’s family’s military background somehow disqualifies him to be Commander in Chief. Jay Rockefeller is creepy dope for questioning McCain’s mental stability as result of five years as a POW. Gen McPeak is a colossal dope for calling McCain fat. Other Dem surrogates are dopes for questioning everything about McCain from his age to his shoe size.

B-HO is the dopiest among some pretty dopey people on the left for not calling knock it off. When B-HO stands by and lets girly boys like Clark, McPeak, Harkin and Rockefeller say stupid things about McCain without comment, B-HO proves himself to be a bigger split tail and arrogant clown coward than those making the comments in the first place.

But then if he’s too big a wuss to ask his affirmative action queen wife to shut her suck, how could we expect B-HO to man up and stand up to someone who presumably has a set , even if, as in the case with the four above, they really don’t.

Maybe B-HO could borrow a set from James Carville. Say what you want about Carville, he calls it like he sees it. He called a sitting Dem governor – Bill Richardson - Judas right before Easter. He’s never taken it back and never even hinted at an apology. Everyone should have one friend like James Carville.

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