Friday, November 14, 2008

Why no gay protests at the Church of What's Happin' Now

The lavender loons in California have their shorts in a knot – or do they always wear them that way?- over prop 8. The prop, which overruled the state Supreme Court, banned gay marriage constitutionally. Now Bruce and Harlan are taking to the street to stomp their feet and show Californians how angry they are. They rallied in LA – where else – immediately after the election results before showing up at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church last Sunday to protest the congregation there.

What’s wrong with that picture? To be sure Christians lobbied strongly for the prop to ban gay marriage. But it wasn’t just white Christians. It seems black and Hispanic Christians are even more homophobic than white Christians.

But there were no gay protesters over at Rev. Moore’s predominately black Baptist Church of What’s Happin’ Now. Why? They’d have gotten their asses kicked, that’s why. Then the news would have had these ugly pics of two minority groups going at each other. We’d see that blacks do not see gay marriage as a civil rights issue. Civil rights is shtick - the light if you will - that gays would like us to see gay marriage under. Black preachers are saying, “Not so fast Larry.”

Also, gays have yet to say a word condemning P-E Obama - who opposed gay marriage during presidential campaign. But hey, maybe the gays saw Obama’s legs crossed behind the podium or caught the little wink when he was making that point. Besides, we all know that politicians lie. The higher the office the more often they lie. So who knows what Obama’s real position is?

Given the Bible passages about man leaving his mother and father to be joined with his wife; go forth and multiply and the fire and brimstone reserved for sodomites, I can understand Christian opposition to gay marriage. But there is a more basic reason to oppose gay marriage that is not in and of itself religious.

Governments make laws dictating how we chose to organize as a society. For the last 5,000 years, history shows marriage between one man and one woman to be the best way to organize humans. When governments go messing around with that, you’re going to have all sorts of unintended consequences.

Just two consequences off the top of my head are tax code implication and workplace compensation. The government and companies will either go broke paying out benefits to any two people who say they are “married” or simply discontinue benefits all together. I vote for the latter. It’s always about the money. In this day and age of shocking demographic changes, we should offer tax breaks to married couples birthing babies and that’s about it – in my opinion. That would pretty much leave Bruce and Harlan out of the picture.

Someone needs to say loud and clear to the courts to keep their grubby little fingers out of this issue or we’ll end up with another Roe v Wade debacle. Let the people and elected officials work through this. Roe v Wade remains a divisive issue today because 9 unelected dopes in robes (wrongly) forced their opinion on the people. Let’s not make the same mistake with gay marriage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yuri Fialko is reknowm in his work with earthquake predictions through scientific measurements. Google his work if you would like a cure for insomnia. Bottomline is that California is due for the big one. San Franciso sits atop the San Andreas fault. Moses (Heston) resonated," Do not tempt thy God". I believe more than one black minister in California has connected the dots. Aids was a shot across the bow. Sometimes a God fearing nation needs reminded why they are a God fearing nation. New Orleans was made a wading pool compared to what IS EXPECTED to happen to California.I would just say California, and in particular San Francisco should be careful what they ask for. The Griffin.