Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Is the destruction of America purposeful?

Phil confounds global warm-mongers

In another blow to global warming nuts Punxsutawney Phil was frightened by his own shadow (must be a Lib) and scurried back into his hole foreshadowing six more weeks of winter. Global warming nuts who simply hide, shred or lie about information that doesn’t fit their foolish mold, claim Phil was actually frightened by the thought of global warming. They also note that the coldest winter on record in 30 years is yet another warning that global warming is more serious than they thought. When a glacier starts destroying the orange crop in FL, they will be telling us the ice is a sure sign that it’s almost too late to start curbing our use carbon based fuels.

The Dope's budget

Not that anyone ever cares what the any President’s budget looks like, other than a look into the man’s priorities, The Dopes budget is dopey for a couple of reasons. Given the majorities he still enjoys on Capitol Hill much of what’s in this monstrosity may actually see the light of day.

But it’s most peculiar when juxtaposed against the Dope’s latest tv show. During the show the Dope said something along the lines that we couldn’t keep increasing the deficit. His budget proves he’s an idiot or liar. The budget increases the deficit 100 billion over last year’s record breaking, bank breaking, back breaking deficits.

The Dope went on to give lip service about spending our children’s future with too much borrowing. The Dope’s budget borrows another 1.6 TRILLON that we do not have and may not even have the capacity to pay back.

I am not one given to conspiracy theories, except the one that keeps the Bengals from winning the Super Bowl - that’s real, but I am beginning to believe that the Dope and his team half-wit, communists, socialists and anarchists are purposefully setting out to ruin America. How else can the long list of destructive policies, plans and orders be explained? When taken as a whole, the list goes way beyond stupidity and arrogance. It is beginning to look as if the only possible explanation is purposeful destruction.

It's getting scary.

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