Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Some Notes

Tiger Woods:
Gosh how could I have forgotten to comment on his apology? Oh yeah, I don't care.

Tiger Woods' porn star's demand for an apology:
Tiger's response; Sure as soon as you apologize to my wife, my kids, my extended family and everyone else who though I was a good guy - like Lex - before you thought it was a good idea to have an affair with a married man.

Tiger Woods' caddy:
Apparently this is one bad @$$ dude. Mr. Caddy has warned the world that any bad treatment of his boss, once he returns to the tour, would have to go through him. I love the loyalty. But you're an idiot. You have just set up a scenario where every drunk in the gallery will be tagging along hoping to make ESPN's Top Ten by getting you to throw down. Tiger's problems are of his own making. Shut up. Be humble. Play golf.

Eli Manning:
The Griffin alerted me to this. Eli is refusing to take $500,000 from St. Vincent's Hospital in NY. The hospital is in serious financial trouble. The money is owed Eli from a marketing deal. He won't take the money but will continue to hold up his end of the marketing deal. One supposes that includes ads and personal appearances.

Will anyone from Toyota ask the @$$wipes in congress who will be interrogating them this question:

Uh, excuse me, don't you have a conflict of interest here? The US government owns Chevy and Chrysler. I think you and other committee members are persecuting us so your own inferior brands can prosper.

Imus asked sidekick Bernard McGurk, "Who would you rather have helping you with the NY Times Sunday crossword, Obama or Palin?" Bernie responded, "Who would you rather have interrogating a terrorist?" After a moment of stunned silence, Imus said, "Well Palin, of course."

More Palin:
The host intimates that she is not that smart or experienced. The Guest responds with, "She's smart enough. How smart do you have to be to say, 'We're going to stop what we're doing right now. Then we're going to begin rolling back what we've done.'"

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