Friday, December 09, 2011

The Friday round up

Affirmative Action advancee advocates all are alike
There is irony everywhere in the world today. The Griffin pointed out the irony of the P-BO talking about “fairness.” There is nothing so ironic as our own know nothing, do nothing, be nothing, Nobel Prize winning, affirmative action pass through - King Weasel himself - delivering a speech on fairness.

The King Dope who has been pushed to the head of every line he has ever encountered his entire worthless life talks about “fairness.” Let’s face it, if life were “fair,” this dope would be on parole, smoking a joint while riding a scooter down the back allies of a Hawaiian village looking for a job. Instead he’s hopping Air Force One to sneak McDonald’s hamburgers and play golf.

With his meager academic achievements, how did young Barry get into Columbia? By pushing ahead of several white kids who were much smarter, that’s how. Is that fair? How did B-HO become an editor on Harvard Law Review? By the color of his skin, that’s how. Is that “fair.”

Then there’s the whole Nobel Peace Prize thing. Can anyone, with a straight face, say that the committee’s 2009 decision was “fair”? OK, every bit as “fair” as AlGore’s. In both cases, you had people competing for the award by working a lifetime fighting disease in Africa, Chinese dissidents who have been jailed and tortured, Arabs who risk their lives to promote interfaith understanding and peace. But, the committee gives its most cherished award to…who? They award it to some creepy dope without a single life’s accomplishment. Peace? Ha! The sail eared, walking, talking piece of detritus sat in pew of a church where hate was actively being preached week in and week out, year after year.

Now he’s going to lecture us on “fairness”? WTF? (Win the future.)  Next thing you know, Jon Corzine will be lecturing us on the need to be careful when investing our money.

Lying liar lies about lying
Yesterday Attorney General Eric the wad Holder denied that anybody at the Department of Justice lied about Fast and Furious. That of course is a lie. The wad did admit that the DOJ sent “inaccurate information” to Congress. Well come on. How many of us haven’t changed our story when we get caught lying. We either tell the truth then throw ourselves on the mercy of the cops, judge or mom and dad, or we come up with another lie. As it is his nature, the wad just changed his lie. The wad doesn’t seem to be too concerned that a Border Patrol agent was killed by HIS screw up. I wonder how concerned he’d be if these weapons started showing up in DC? I wonder how concerned he’d be if it was his skinny, worthless and cowardly ass being shot at?

Big butt bag befuddled by burger buys
Uh Oh, Moochelle the 1st P-BO is not going to like this. McDonald’s profits are up more than 7% in Nov. That makes sense. Even Lex stops by the golden arches during the Christmas season rush for fries and a Coke. Oh yeah, the family dog had a vet appointment earlier this week. Poor George was pretty traumatized by the whole ordeal. So, I stopped and got him a McDs hamburger and we split the fries. Who knows how much of McD’s boost is due to non-human consumption? Anyway, I’m quite happy that Americans are speaking with their food choices and with them they are shouting at the 1st nanny, Moochelle, “mind your own f&^king business, b!&ch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a new name for the White House. It is the Animal Farm White House where,

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

The Griffin