Wednesday, December 07, 2011

I'm sure The Donald is, at least, as qualified as the rest

I see where The Donald is planning to moderate a Republican Candidate’s debate just after Christmas. Right on cue, the know-it-all crowd is up arms. Why, what qualification does he have to moderate a debate? The better question is what qualifications do David Gregory, Wolf Blitzer, Jim Cramer, et al have? So far the sum total qualification and life’s experience of people asking these guys and gal questions is having suffered in the liberal dominated tv news business for enough years to get their own show.

Why not have a debate where Donald trump can ask business questions, a retired Gen can ask military questions, a priest can ask social-moral questions, a farmer can ask ag questions, a rank and file union guy can ask labor questions etc.? What’s wrong with that? What makes the chattering class, who earn a living inside tv news by jawboning incessantly, think they are the only ones capable of asking pertinent questions of these candidates?

For some stupid reason Republicans, who will show up on PMSNBC to be grilled by some whacked out liberal know nothing douche whose sole qualification for asking a question like, “Why is it, do you think, that Republicans hate the poor, minorities and women so much,” is that he looks nice in tie. Yet, it is somehow beneath them for The Donald to ask, “Why are we letting China rip us off every year”.

It’s not just the liberal chattering class throwing water on the idea of a guy who has actually accomplished something in his life asking the candidates questions. All manner of Republican know-it-alls from Karl Rove, George Will and Charles Krauthammer are taken aback by the idea. I’m beginning to side with one of my Lib friends who once famously opined that he’d like to see Karl Rove get a good @$$whippin’.

I have about had it with Fox News as well. They have taken their “Fair and Balanced” approach to such an extent that now not only do they balance the left with a conservative but that conservative can always be counted upon to trash Republicans as well. I now call Fox News the baby splitter network. They get a flaming Lib on to talk up the Lib point of view and then balance that with a baby splitter who can “see both sides.” Yes, of course the Demo-Dopes are wrong for introducing legislation allowing bestiality in the military, but the Republicans don’t want to look too 1890s’ish by opposing it.

WTF? As an 18 year old Lance Corporal once said to me, “I don’t know sir, seems pretty f&%ked up to me that you suck a cock but you can’t drink a beer in the barracks.” I apologize for vulgarity, but that is rather clear thinking, well said to me. And it is fouled up. The solution, of course, will be to allow beer in the barracks as well. When someone complains that prostitutes ought to be able to have a room or two in the barracks, well ok then. After all, they have to make a living as well. What are we becoming?

Oooops. How in the heck did we get over there? Anyway, why not Trump asking few questions. Way to get back on track. That was a strong close Lex.

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