Tuesday, December 20, 2011

More questions equals more racism, can one guy really be this stupid and a top 10 list

Surprise, Eric the wad holder is playing the race card. The ONLY reason those nasty people are asking questions I don’t want to answer is because the idiot in the WH and I have the same skin color. Well there’s a theory, if you’re going to lie, base the lie in truth. The P-BO is in the WH, like the wad, he’s an idiot who happens to be black. The wad is a disgusting incompetent douche. Sadly those are the three most important characteristics to work for the P-BO.

Conspiracy theory #11:
The wad knows that the P-BO was in on the ground floor of Fast and Furious. That’s why he’s stonewalling. That’s why he refuses to resign under circumstances that would have anyone with an ounce of integrity or shred of honor handing in his papers. The P-BO can’t fire the wad's worthless lying @$$ because who knows what the next guy will do. They will ride out the election year. If the P-BO wins, he’ll give the wad a medal of freedom to keep him quiet and appoint Moochelle the new AG to keep F&F quiet and bury the evidence. You have to be a completely useless idiot to work in this administration.

To wit, the slowest of all Joes, Joe shovel ready Biden said something so stupid it hit a 10 on the Richter scale of idiocy:

“Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy. That’s critical. There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens U.S. interests.”

Wow Joe that was really, really stupid, even by your standards. The Taliban are not our enemy? Then why do we have a 10 million dollar reward out on the head of Mullah Omar? Why is it against the law to provide material support for Taliban? Who have we been killing in Afghanistan for the last 10 years?

Today’s end of year award- the top 10 people who have been taken seriously by the media this year but shouldn’t be:

10. Any Kardashian (Yet, they are a more serious source than what follows)

9. Al NOT SO SHARPton (Race hustling pimp.)

8. Sean Penn (I don't know why, but when Sean bung plug Penn meets with Hugo or Fidel it's news.  Flash to MSM, Sean Penn is not a State Dept. rep.)

7. Any representative of OWS  (More interviews with the guy crapping on the police car please.)

6. Jesse Hymietown Jackson (Race hustling pimp now thankfully nearly a has been.)

5. Barney Frank (The pic tells about all you need to know on this one.)

4. Moochelle the 1st P-BO (The 1st nanny is known for her “let’s move” program. I’m all for it as long as it’s “let’s move the P-BO out of the WH.")

3. Thomas L. my head is flat Freidman (Never has one commie lover been so wrong about so much, yet been treated so fawningly by MSM dolts.)

2. Anyone stupid enough to deliver the line “the debate is over” about global warm-mongering. (See post under on most under reported story.)

1. And the number one person taken seriously by the MSM that has absolutely no credibility on any subject - even himself - is:
The slowest of all Joes, Joe shovel ready Biden (Never in the history of man has someone so stupid risen so high for no apparent reason and spent so much time talking to prove he’s not an idiot and in the process only proven that he’s a much bigger idiot than we ever thought. In a debate on any subject, Biden would make Homer Simpson look like Charles Krauthammer.)

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