Friday, March 09, 2012

Another brilliant investment of tax dollars by the P-BO

And if you buy now, we'll throw in your very own tow truck, because you're gong to need one!  With US timulus money from the P-BO and at $107,000 a copy they can afford it. 

Solyndra and another solar company backed by the P-BO have gone belly up taking with them hundreds of millions of your tax dollars. The Government Motors Chevy Volt is temporarily out of production adding another 1,300 or so to the unemployment line.

When no one wants to buy your crap, what do you do? You get the government to subsidize it. If a $6,000 dollar subsidy per useless firetrap doesn’t work, you up it to $10,000. That’s the P-BO’s new plan. He wants to offer more tax payer money to every sap who is stupid enough to buy a Volt. It really is subsidizing the stupid and their behavior. I’m not sure that given the car’s history and the fact that it truly is a coal burning car that a 100% subsidy would improve sales.

But not worry folks. The emperor will simply mandate that the Catholic church replace its current fleet of vehicles with Chevy Volts. Then Grand Fran Nan Peloser can get some over educated Ivy League dumb@$$ to demand that the university buy her one.

And now there’s this. Remember the nation-wide outrage when it was discovered that the P-BO spent stimulus money for a luxury electric car called the Fisker? Recall the outrage when we learned it was built in Europe? Yeah, I know. There was no outrage. The sycophantic MSM pretty much ignored the whole thing. Well now we know that whatever money we dumped into the Fisker would have been better spent here at home setting up Newt’s moon colony.

Consumer Reports bought one of the $107,000 Fiskers to run through its test regime. The Fisker went less than 200 miles before ending up on a flatbed to by hauled back to the dealer more than 100 miles away. Offering a testimony to the car, and really electric cars everywhere, Consumer Reports spokesperson offered this assessment of the Fisker:

We buy about 80 cars a year and this is the first time in memory that we have had a car that is undriveable before it has finished our check-in process.

He went on to say, that at that price they probably could throw in a flatbed with every sale. Then he added, well at least it didn’t catch fire, a ringing endorsement of a new auto if ever there was one.

Your tax dollars hard at work at the P-BO administration.

The Demo-Dopes are trotting out their same song and show with regard to oil production:
It won’t have any affect for 3-5 years.
They have been saying the same thing for 30 years. Had we started then, where would we be now?

Then they argue that oil is fungible and any oil we produced here would simply go overseas to China or India. That may be, but a larger and MORE RELIABLE supply oil would drive speculation on the price of oil down. It also has the benefit of us not funding both sides of the war on terror.

And here is the $64,000,000 question:
Would we and the world be better off if we could produce our own oil in the event that the Iranians decide to close the Strait of Hormuz?

It’s a no brainer. It’s a national security issue. Instead of hammering each other, the Republicans should be hammering the P-BO like a 100 Amish men at Saturday morning barn raising on this issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin
First auto ever was built in 1887. It was electric and used batteries. We are 125 years into the development which has led to the golf cart. If I want to drive to work in a golf cart I will. They can be had for a lot less.