Monday, March 19, 2012

We are turning into a creepy country

You know you’ve finally arrived as country when the federal government can direct that all student health plans must cover the full set of cost-free women’s “preventive services” (aka abortion, sterilization and birth control including those that cause abortions). During the usual Friday night document dump that is what HHS, under the stellar leadership of “Catholic” Kathleen Babies? We don’t need no stinkin babies Sebelius, ordered last month.

Too dumb to get into an American university? That’s hard to believe, but don’t worry. Women of college age who do not attend school will also get free sterilization coverage whether they are insured through an employer, their parents, or some form of government-subsidized plan.

Does anyone recall way back when the P-BO assured us that P-BOcare wouldn’t fund abortion? MI Rep Bart Stupeck served as the P-BO’s useful idiot during debates in congress on that issue. Bart wouldn’t just go along to get along if P-BOcare included federal funding for abortion. He raised a big stink. Solid as a rock principal would not let Stupak vote for P-BOcare if it funded abortion. So the P-BO called him in and assured Stupak that it wouldn’t. Stupak, took a jackhammer to his rock solid principals, compromised, then voted for the bill. We haven’t heard much from old Bart the malleable since those good old days.

If Stupak were to have stuck to his principals in this day and age he would be a frontline soldier in the war against women. Now DOJ has an office dedicated to enforcing the Violence Against Women Act passed and signed by the act’s chief violator Billyboy better put some ice on that Clinton in 2000. The VAWA was reauthorized in 2005. Because we have made no progress reducing violence against women since 2000, re-reauthorization is being debated in the senate right now.

As it turns out the Supreme Court got one right when it ruled parts of VAWA unconstitutional but inexplicably let the funding for an unconstitutional law stand. So there’s a fully funded office in the DOJ enforcing an unconstitutional law. And we wonder why we’re broke.

Republican hand wringers, ever afraid of being lampooned on late night tv, do not know how to handle the debate for re-reauthorizing the VAWA. Try this:

We are opposed the VAWA. We propose a Violence Against Anyone Act instead. VAAA or VA cubed is a law that will treat all Americans equally and dispose of violent criminals equally. Sort of like what the equal protection clause in the 14th Amendment was set up to do. This is a radical idea certain to inflame the passion of the special interests who insist on being treated specially. It flies in the face of Animal Farm logic that says some animals are more equal than others. But we think that the rather novel idea of turning to the Constitution might be the best course in this day and age.

Besides do parents really think that violence against their sons should be tolerated more than violence against their daughters? Oh, Johnny got beaten up again today by a gang of bullies at school? How nice. What’s for dinner? As opposed to: What!!!? Sarah got de-friended by that b*tch Suzy! This is clearly violence against women! We’re going to sue their @$$es off!

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