Friday, March 01, 2013

Friday stuff

Sequester hits.  Sun snubs LB, rises anyway.
The sequester has been looming for 18 months.  Now it's here.  Oh my gosh, is that the sun rising in the east?  I wonder if LB knows the sun is coming up?  I'm sure if he could he'd stop that or at least delay it until noon.  Come to think of it, thinking himself the supreme being, I'll bet LB is PO'd right now because the sun is rising in the east.  No doubt Gene Sperling is firing off an e-mail to God telling Him that He'll regret letting the sun rise today.

Republican shock and awe
The Republicans have 200,000 BILLION dollars of ammo to fire at Demo-Dopes and their lapdog media.  That's more ammo than Sadam Hussein had dumped on his head in the famous shock and awe campaign. 

So Republi-Rats are firing at will right?  So far not a shot has been fired in anger by the Repli-Rats.  They are content to sound like a bunch of whining wimps.  Well if you're being led by a whining wimp, hello John Boehner, what do you expect?

The 200,000 BILLION dollars of ammo that the Republicans have is the 200,000 BILLION dollars of government waste identified by the GAO.  So when LB stands with a group of first responders and tells Americans that they will be more likely to bleed to death after an accident because the nasty Republicans are sequestering funds for EMTs, Johnny whiner needs to release 50 wasteful programs identified in the report. Then ask LB, why not just cut this BS and leave the EMTs in place?

Republicans need an ad campaign in the states of vulnerable Demo-Dope senators and get ahead of this.  We're spending 3 TRILLION plus dollars this year, a 40% since 2007.   If the Republi-Rats cannot win this argument, we are truly screwed.

Benedict fades
Pope Benedict is pope no more.  85 years old and reportedly blind in one eye and nearly deaf, lapdog media are calling the pope a quitter.  Yeah right.  Possibly the most humble man in the world, Benedict promised to support his successor unconditionally and asked his cardinals to do the same publicly.

Now I know why popes tended to stay in office until death.  The last thing the Catholic church needs is a Jimmy Carter type boob of pope second guessing his successor in public.  Or worse two or three such self serving boobs fouling the works. 

One priest suggested that the last public words the world might ever hear from Benedict was when he bid his audience at Gondalfo, "good night." 

How great would it be if we never had to hear from Jimmy Carter or Billy Billbo Clinton again?  Notice we don't have to mention the Bushs. 

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