Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Quik hits

Syria: Whatever we are going to do we should have done three years ago.  We didn’t because a) LB is weak b) LB is clueless.  As a result the crazy little eye doctor running the country had no fear what-so-ever about America crushing his balls if he strayed from our desired outcome.  Just the presence of Ronald Reagan, GWB or even GHWB would have been enough to keep the eye doctor looking over his shoulder, employing a platoon of food tasters and living most of his daylight hours a mile underground.  With LB, the eye doctor is keeping all of appointments, appearing on state tv and strolling in the park in broad daylight.

Whatever LB does it’ll some half-@$$ed measure designed to make it look as if he’s concerned about the outcome.  He’ll dump a bunch money (we do not have), rifles and ammo on the ground without any regard for who is going to pick the stuff up.  As always, he’ll talk endlessly about how he no idea about anything going on anywhere but he’ll get to the bottom it, even if takes three terms. 

Three years ago I might have been for getting in there and killing as many Islamo-Terror-Fascists as possible, now I’m of the mind we ought to supply guns to both sides and let them kill each other.  As Sara Palin advised, let Allah sort it out.

Snowden:  Three years ago I would have thought the guy needs to be strung up by his thumbs.  Now, I’m not so sure.  I have zero trust that LB and his merry band of @$$ weasels have not been given total access to the NSA database. 

We know from prior experience that LB hires people who use the levers of government power and information to settle personal and political vendettas.  Now we’re supposed to believe that they will not access the biggest and best data base for that purpose.  I suspect that they already have access to it and will use it in the midterm.

Immigration Reform:  Republi-Rats are pulling the handle to flush the nation down the toilet.  The ONLY thing Republicans should agree to is 100% use of e-verify and securing the border.  Those two acts alone would pretty much cause a mass self-deportation and keep new undesirables from entering the country.

It baffles me that the Demo-Dopes who are supposed to be all for equality and fair play are going to allow one group of immigrants head of the line privileges ahead of everyone else based on – not skill sets, not education, not talent, not for political asylum but rather because of their proximity to our border.   Just because they are able to walk across the border toting drugs, guns from Eric the wad Holder, bombs from who knows where, sex and child trafficers etc. the Dopes think they should be legalized.

Republicans ought to counter with: OK you want legalize the current crop illegals?  Fine.  But only after an 18 month period of total open borders where people from anywhere can come here and granted citizenship.  That’s crazy! The howl would come.  How is that any crazier than leaving the border unsecure and letting 11 million illegals in and then giving them amnesty just because they could walk across? 

Like everything these days, I have no confidence that anyone will do the right thing.

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